how low can police helicopters go?


Active Member
when they are looking for outdoor crops how low do they fly?

i have heard 1000 ft.

i am trying to figure it out so i can look at videos and pictures to figure out how hard it will be to spot my stuff.


Well-Known Member
your best bet is to not group them all together in one plot....
or put them close to natural water sources.
avoid trekking to the plot in early morning or late late night. the dew... leaves trails that can be spotted for days later in some climes.
in other words, dont leave trails.
all these things, are what they look for.

oh yeah... and lets not forget the obvious...

dont plant em where you know they already fly!



Well-Known Member
when they are looking for outdoor crops how low do they fly?

i have heard 1000 ft.

i am trying to figure it out so i can look at videos and pictures to figure out how hard it will be to spot my stuff.
Generally they fly about 1500 feet in populated areas (U.S.A.)

But they are generally unrestricted in un-populated areas (local rules for landing).

And of course the Cops can pretty much do what they want, fly anywhere they want, and lie about it.

Be careful :bigjoint:

P.S. - Forgot to say, I can see you face at 1500 feet.


Well-Known Member
Where I live they like to fly around lager fields or the edge of a wooded area. The plants stick out like a sore thumb when you do this in large groups because they are a lot greener. Spread them out in very green areas and DONT clear out a area for them. This is a dead give a way in the air. If your looking to do a few you'll be fine. Their looking for large groups of plants not one or two, it cost to much and it wont make the news. Also if you have a dog bring it with that way you have a reason to be out their if anyone was to be in the area


Active Member
o ya i have 4 seperate areas to plant in groups of 2. (2 are within 50 yds of each other and the other 2 are about half a mile away but those 2 are also about 50 yds from each other)

i do bring my dog everytime mainly just because she loves it there, she plays in the creek and chases all the critters. anyways i hadn't thought about dew on the grass, that does throw a kink into my plans. i wanted to go early in the AM so that no1 would be awake and see me walking out of the woods.

i will have about 8-10 plants in each spot and they are all within 50 yds of a small creek or river.

im not too worried about anyone stumbling across my plots, they are well hidden and off the beaten path and no1 ever goes there. i also have walked the area enough to where i don't go to the plots the same way everytime so i never leave a trail.

but thanks for the insight, i think im gunna be just fine this next season


Active Member
make sure you have a cage to keep those deer away good luck
i plan on using a shit load of fish line and coyote piss.

but ya deer are gunna be an issue, i have been over there wuite a bit like i said and there are deer tracks everywhere


Well-Known Member
i plan on using a shit load of fish line and coyote piss.

but ya deer are gunna be an issue, i have been over there wuite a bit like i said and there are deer tracks everywhere
that's what i use... works great at 6" and another at 3' high


Well-Known Member
they spot patch with infra red equiped police aeroplane ,then if they have to ,drop in by chopper.


Well-Known Member
o ya i have 4 seperate areas to plant in groups of 2. (2 are within 50 yds of each other and the other 2 are about half a mile away but those 2 are also about 50 yds from each other)

i do bring my dog everytime mainly just because she loves it there, she plays in the creek and chases all the critters
. anyways i hadn't thought about dew on the grass, that does throw a kink into my plans. i wanted to go early in the AM so that no1 would be awake and see me walking out of the woods.

i will have about 8-10 plants in each spot and they are all within 50 yds of a small creek or river.

im not too worried about anyone stumbling across my plots, they are well hidden and off the beaten path and no1 ever goes there. i also have walked the area enough to where i don't go to the plots the same way everytime so i never leave a trail.

but thanks for the insight, i think im gunna be just fine this next season
sound like good plots. just a suggestion, maybe think of leaving dog at home.When hes in there and barks a passer by could hear this and put two and two together, end of season, empty patch.


Active Member
Use the cannabis plant ability to blend in with other plants to the point that they are unidentifiable by all but the most observant. Choose similar growing neighbors for your marijuana plants like cleome, kenaf, a bunch of nettles or blackberry vines.
Plants started outdoors late in the season never get very big and never attract the least bit of attention when placed next to plants of similar or taller stature. Even tall plants grown among several trees will be almost invisible in their camouflage. Grow in places where people have nothing to search for.
Outdoors the object is to control access to an area, and not to arouse suspicion. Tuck them here and there, never in a recognizable pattern. Space them out, and fit them in to the existing landscape such that they get full sun, but they're hidden or blend in. Fence lines and groups of several together are best. Try to find marijuana seeds strains that seem to match the surrounding plants. Feed nitrogen to your plants if they need to be greener to blend in. Some growers even use plastic red flowers, pinned to a plant, disguising it as a flower bush.
Plant in places away from houses and farms where somebody could see you from distance. Visit the plants at night on full moons, and if you are visible to neighbors, appear to be pruning a tree, mowing the lawn, or doing something in the yard that makes you invisible. Dig a hole and put a potted plant in it. The plant's height will be reduced by at least a foot and it will collect and use more rain water.
Try to grow off your property, on adjacent property, so that if your plot is found, it will not be traceable back to you. If it's not on your property, nobody has witnessed you there, and there is no physical evidence of your presence (footprints, fingerprints, trails, hair, etc.), then it is virtually impossible to prosecute you for it, even if the cops think they know who it belongs to. Let me stress that: farm off your property and leave no physical evidence.


Well-Known Member
Two years ago there was a chopper that flew over one of my potential patches. He must have been 500 feet up or less.. Not sure but it was extremely low

Ganga Cook

Make sure to put a good layer of duct tape on the bottom of your shoes. Remember, a footprint can get you convicted. Just looking out, happy growing!!! :weed:
Here in new zealand they fly real low around 200 feet or less - Trails stand out like dogs balls from the air i overlooked that covered up now though and just remember not to plant in rows