How long


Active Member
i live in the northeast us
ive put germinated seed outside in the ground and its been roughly 4 days
should they have sstarted growing buy now


Well-Known Member
Err... I would give it time, but you have to keep a keen eye on little seedlings outside because creatures like to eat them plus they are very sensitive to ground frost. If things don't pan out I would suggest you grow them as large as you can indoors first.


Active Member
yeah ive been hoping there wont be any more frost and it sucks because at the time in my sitituation i cant grow inside


Well-Known Member
Germination favours warm temperatures and will be delayed or halted if it gets too cold. You could maybe try and help them along by cutting a 2l soft drink bottle in half and placing it over seed like a dome to increase temperature and humidity within. Maybe make a couple of small holes in top to allow some air. Once you see sprout emerge, you can then cut top off dome to form a tube around seedling which will allow air and light free access but will provide a barrier to ground level pests like slugs/snails etc aand leave that in place until seedling is established. I have had to resort to doing this in my flower garden as I am really reluctant to use pesticides and it has worked pretty well.