How long would you wait?


Active Member
Up till recently things have been great (2 years) but within the past month I have had three seeds "get the tail" in the paper towel, then when I put in soil....nothing. I used to have 100% success but now am worried that I lost 3 in a month. One may have been my fault- the paper dried out over night. The most recent one has been in soil for 5-6 days with no sprout. How long before I toss it?


Well-Known Member
Max 10days.

IMO using a paper towel is too complex. Wet it just enough keep it wet. Etc etc.

I soak seeds in plain water for 4-10hours then plant in my medium and put the light over them on 18/6.

I haven't failed to get a seed sprouting.



Well-Known Member
Stop with the paper towel crap. Unnecessary and stupid as your results show. Growing in soil? Buy peat plugs, a heat mat and make a seedling dome. Hydro? Rockwool with the same routine. Drop the seed in the hole and wait. I really do have almost 100% germination using these "methods". growing since 1964 so . . . ..

No soaking the seeds in water 24 hours or any other bullshit. Ever see a real farmer soaking wheat or corn or oats or any other damned seed? See them out with stacks of wet folded paper towels plucking germinated corn out and planting it?


One may have been my fault- the paper dried out over night. The most recent one has been in soil for 5-6 days with no sprout. How long before I toss it?
I used to try various things to sprout my seeds, then I reconsidered. Now I just plant them straight into the pot. If one or two don't sprout, I just plant another seed in those pots, and have a couple plants a few days behind. Sure has been a lot easier.