How Long Uk Outdoor Grow


Active Member
To be honest I've done very little. out all night at end of garden, very dark so think they are liking it!
Only used nutes (Hesi bloom) for flowering so am thinking about stopping and flushing but has rained a lot recently so probably flushed a bit already ? Will try to take some better pics tomorrow but its so hard trying keep them hidden from neighbours as they are about 5 1/2 feet tall. Now with the added problem of having to shake any rain off every morning and evening.
The one in the pics is a haze of some sort but the skunk no1 is still about 4 weeks away (i think, maybe more), please no frost.Can move to shed !
will up date when I can.


Active Member
sorry to say it ads but i think you might be waiting up to 6 weeks at least for that to come right ma man, keep us updated. Peace


Active Member
looks like i've got a bit of a problem then as i'm away end of Oct for 2 weeks in Florida ! Cant exactly transport it! and we will deffo have some frost by the beginning of nov ! shit !
can I cut it early ? and if so what will it be like. Wont do skunk next time, take ages !! Maybe go for auto next time !
Would rather do lots of small plant than a couple of biggie's ! easier to hide !Anyone recommend some small but nice bud?
Looks like i'll be on here a bit in the nest few weeks, probably crying !!



Active Member

Mate came round yesterday and said 3 weeks for the haze. He's an experienced indoor grower and said a few weeks more will make all the difference. He only grow indoors so wasn't sure about the other plant but like you Obi he said at least 4-5 weeks if not more if it was indoors so will defo get some lights on it. He said something about the blue light i've got but was too stoned to remember what he said (had some nice cheese from a friend!). Something about, it will work ok but will get fluffier buds and less tight. Does that make sense ?
I guess the question im going to ask now is will the cost of a red bulb be out weight by the difference in bud?
Also what will the stuff be like if I pull a few weeks early as im going away. Latest I can cut will be 30 Oct ?
really appreciate any help, wana get a good amount to some to see me up to Christmas.


Active Member
cheers mate
Defo moving them to the shed tomorrow as the weather is proper shit at the moment (just watch the golf to see what its like !)
No sun for the foreseeable future so I guess its the only option.
Will my 250 enviro (blue) do the job to finish them off or do I need to take a hit for £35 for a red bulb. Could do without spending as im skint at the moment!
thanks ;o)


Active Member
Disaster has struck, well sort of !
Brought them into the shed and have seen a tiny bit of mould at the bottom of a couple of buds. So have picked it of and seems ok. 2 of the lower stems were also looking a bit like mold was coming so have chopped them off. At least I think I've caught it early and the main buds look days away.will hang it out as long as possible and wont water again until bone dry.
Is there anything else I can do to stop any more mould coming?. The plants seems dry now and the buds are well sticky. Have a fan in there so should move the air about a bit.



Active Member
think ive caught it so will be watching carefully ! they seem to be getting very sticky so finger crossed ! Lights must be working even though its a blue, better than nothing I suppose ! no sun here now for 4 days and none planned at all for the next week! hate this fucking country !!
Will keep ya posted, nice one !


Active Member
Ok, so now inside and looking much better. Mould has all gone and there are loads of crystals and very sticky ! Not the biggest buds but looks like i'll get a bit to smoke for free :o)
Seem to be doing ok under the blue 250 enviro and have just ordered a red 125 one. Should I use both or just the red ? The more light the better ?
Anyway here are some pics. What do you think ? week or 2 or can I cop this weekend ?



Active Member
Cut one of the plants as I was fighting a loosing battle with mould. Probably lost over a quarter of the buds over the last few weeks. Thought I might as well go for it rather than lose the lot! Could have done with another week or two I think !

The Skunk No1 is looking good and will still need a while but only have until 30 Oct so will have to pull early. I squeezed one of the buds and it is quite solid and very sticky. Just hope its ok to pull early ?

Anyway here are some pics

