how long to cure?


Staff member
please use the search bar function while waiting for a response, always dig for answers, chances are if you've asked it others have! ^_^


Well-Known Member
If no one asks questions then there won't be any new threads and the answers will be come outdated eventually , this is how forums work , with exemptions of course like when people ask things like "how do I grow weed"


Staff member
If no one asks questions then there won't be any new threads and the answers will be come outdated eventually , this is how forums work , with exemptions of course like when people ask things like "how do I grow weed"
there will be plenty of individual cases and unique situations to create traffic on the website, i know this question is a "repeat offender" meaning theres plenty of answers on this already ;)


I'll try and help you out the best I can. I hang my trimmed plants for a week or so until they feel crispy on the outside and the stems SNAP when you bend them. Some people at this point throw them into paper bags to help cure. This lets them dry in an environment where they can be remoistened from the inside out a little bit too, and not dry too quick, as if they were still hanging and exposed to regular air. When the stems do snap, and feel dry, you put into jars. Your buds may feel really dry on the outside, but dont worry. As long as you didnt OVERDRY them while hanging, they will moisten back up. I keep mine in jars and burp them every so often. (Burping is just taking the covers off of the mason jars for a bit and then putting them back on) This lets the built up moisture evaporate. This is IMPORTANT to prevent mold. Mold='s waste of all your hard work! Dont overdry, dont under dry. You will know when they are perfect for you!

But like everybody else says, do the research. It takes more time normally to write a post asking the question, than it does to find the answer online thats already provided!

Happy growing my friend! keep us posted and let me know if you have any more questions!:blsmoke::eyesmoke:


Active Member
I'll try and help you out the best I can. I hang my trimmed plants for a week or so until they feel crispy on the outside and the stems SNAP when you bend them. Some people at this point throw them into paper bags to help cure. This lets them dry in an environment where they can be remoistened from the inside out a little bit too, and not dry too quick, as if they were still hanging and exposed to regular air. When the stems do snap, and feel dry, you put into jars. Your buds may feel really dry on the outside, but dont worry. As long as you didnt OVERDRY them while hanging, they will moisten back up. I keep mine in jars and burp them every so often. (Burping is just taking the covers off of the mason jars for a bit and then putting them back on) This lets the built up moisture evaporate. This is IMPORTANT to prevent mold. Mold='s waste of all your hard work! Dont overdry, dont under dry. You will know when they are perfect for you!

But like everybody else says, do the research. It takes more time normally to write a post asking the question, than it does to find the answer online thats already provided!

Happy growing my friend! keep us posted and let me know if you have any more questions!:blsmoke::eyesmoke:
+ rep how long do u keep the lid off and stuff


It depends on how dry the bud is/how dry you want it. If its still pretty fresh when you put it into jars, and still a little wet, you DEF want to burp it. keep the lid off for an hour a day lol. Dont want mold. But if it was dried properly and put into jars at the right time, then you only need to burp it to get rid of any excess moisture. You will know if you have excess moisture if: When you put on the lid for a while, and then take it off, the bud has considerably more moisture than before. Hope I made sense!


Well-Known Member
A good method is to buy a cheep hygrometer from your local smoke shop and place it in the jar, burp until you reach abt 55 to 60% humidity, once reach you can check it every 2 to 3 days until it stabilizes.


Well-Known Member
What works best for me is to let it hang for around a week until it feels dry on the outside then put it in paper bags for another week or two until it is dry all the way. I have found that paper bags keep it from drying to fast and it doesn't lock in that nasty hay smell


Active Member
What works best for me is to let it hang for around a week until it feels dry on the outside then put it in paper bags for another week or two until it is dry all the way. I have found that paper bags keep it from drying to fast and it doesn't lock in that nasty hay smell
so its suppose to be really crispy to the touch??


Active Member
A good method is to buy a cheep hygrometer from your local smoke shop and place it in the jar, burp until you reach abt 55 to 60% humidity, once reach you can check it every 2 to 3 days until it stabilizes.
I do this method and it takes all the guess work out.