how long till tich's to change?


Active Member
How long does it take for the tich's to change color, I'm in week 8 of flowering and they are still clear and some are milky looking, should I flush when I see them turn amber, looking for 50/50 ratio.


bud bootlegger
it really all depends on what strain your growing as indica's will turn faster than a sativa will for you.. just keep an eye on them a few times a week, and try to look at different buds on different areas of the plant too as some areas or buds will finish faster than others.. and its ok to harvest part of the plant that is the color you want and let some go longer..
i would say you could start to flush when most all of the trics are atleast cloudy, and your seeing some amber ones as well.. if you flush for a week or so, by the time your done, they should be about ready..


Yeah dude, racer is right on the money with what I like to call "pruning" your plant and not harvesting! My plant's tops are getting done but the middle and lower buds aren't ready because I'm only running a 150Watt HPS and light doesn't penetrate through to those buds. So, I will take my tops first cause they are almost done now and then probably prune again in a week or so when those lower buds are done.


Active Member
it really all depends on what strain your growing as indica's will turn faster than a sativa will for you.. just keep an eye on them a few times a week, and try to look at different buds on different areas of the plant too as some areas or buds will finish faster than others.. and its ok to harvest part of the plant that is the color you want and let some go longer..
i would say you could start to flush when most all of the trics are atleast cloudy, and your seeing some amber ones as well.. if you flush for a week or so, by the time your done, they should be about ready..
how would I harvest say the main cola and leave lower bud's to finsh, does that not stress the plant? Will it continue to produce bud and so on? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Just cut it right off, and lower the light. Even if it does stress her, it won't be enough time between the time you do it, to the time to finish, to really worry about it.