How long should i Veg for????


Well-Known Member
Depends on what kind of lights you are using, and the space you are limited to. If you have a big lamp or lamps they can get larger, if you are using less light, than you want to keep them smallish. I always use smaller plants, and have more of them, I don't like to pay for long veg times, I like to get it done.

Legal Yooper

Well-Known Member
Most will say when your plants 12 to 16 inches in height. Its all up to you..Keep in mind most strains will double to triple in size once they flower.. If you have the room and light intensity there is no such thing as over vegging.


Well-Known Member
What size to you start to veg at????? and how long do you flower?
I start under 2-four foot cool whites, than after 3 weeks to a month, they get transplanted and move to the 400 watt. I build them for 2 or 3 weeks, than flowering time depends on strain, which can be as little as 6 weeks to as much as 12 weeks, but usually somewhere in between.