How long does reveg take?


I have never reveged a plant before. But I came accross a Cinderella 99 that was really nice I didnt clone her in the veg room. Since she has finshed flower I want to reveg her. She has been under 24hrs light for a week and nothing.

How long does this take?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's too late for your plant or not. Here's what I do when I want to re-grow.
* Indicas re-grow easier than sats, don't bother trying with an auto. Been there, fucked that up.
* Harvest and leave a softball-sized handful of greenery growing around the base of the plant.
* After harvest I let them sit in the dark for 48 hours, no water, nothing.
* Flush well with just water.
* Put her into the veg room at 400W. for 4-5 weeks, mild nute water daily.
* Flush and flower at 1000W and 12/12.

You will notice that the second time around you will have many more but slightly smaller buds. Most
of my re-grows yield 150-200% the second time. A one ounce yield should close to double. Note - I have re-re-grown a couple plants
and find it too frustrating. By the time a plant is being harvested the third time you spend hours trimming off 6,000 tiny flowers.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
i have a couple of re veg. new growth sometimes show up in a week. but, she normally takes a month or more before she takes off.


Active Member
I agree with Big Steve with alot of trimming. Be prepared to do alot of work if you reveg. The extra growth is incredible! I thought I cut most of the junk off, 2 weeks later it's back. Lot's of lst and lots of time. But, it may payoff. I'll know in a month or two! And you might want to think about trimming the root ball. It worked for me. And about 2 weeks for new growth to start. Give them very little water in this transition. And I went right from bud to 24/7 no break from the lights.



Active Member
I cloned at 21 days of flower. It took about two months to get them ready to flower again. The advantage is the way they reveg with many branches to produce 'main colas' as you can see from dozer's pic. The process is called monstercropping. I will know in about 6 weeks if it is worthwhile, but so far so good!