how long can plants go without water before they start dieing


Active Member
sup? My plant had to be left alone for 3-5 days. I watered them before i left for the long weekend but im just wondering...incase i cant get back in 3 days will the be ok by day 5 aslong as i water them when i get back home?


Active Member
I'm sure alot has to do with the enviroment, humidity etc.. I had to leave a few of catnip plants I was growing for 3 days, gave 'em a big watering, and when I got back the soil was still moist. I was growing under 2 48" flourescent tubes though, and a temperature for 70F and 50% humidity. What is your grow area like?


Well-Known Member
3-5 days is not a problem in soil. Even if they droop a bit, they will pick right up with some water when you get back.


Active Member
Also, I don't think they would be unsavable even if they were horribly dehydrated. I've had 1' tall plants fall over from so much lack of water, then after a good watering stand back up.


Active Member
my area isnt to bad for a first tiem...well ventilated...i got a 13 watt Fluorescent hitting the bottom of the plants and a 48 watt tube fluorescent hitting them directly on using normal soil with no additves.i use room temp normal water every second day and a chem water evry 4th day switchign back and forth( i jsut added some of this plant nutrient powder). its growing at the top of my closet on a ledge and ive been keeping a a medium size pot of water in the space so it stays fairly moist. the room is slighty warm but not to bad. ill send pics once i get them.