How Long Can I Keep My Nuts in Water?


Active Member
Hi, i have made a bit too much nute mix and still have 3L of mix left and 3 days (in general) untill my next watering.

its bio biz root juice, bloom and grow.

thanks in advance.

EDIT: sorry it wont let me edit the title lol.


bud bootlegger
yah, i think you're ok.. i often leave mine mixed for a good two days or so and never saw any negative effects.. the only time it ever got really nasty on me was when i added some mollases to the mix.. omg, that stuff got super funky in like a day.. and i mean, super duper funky.. nasty, i almost wretched when i smelled it first to make sure it smelled ok still, big mistake, lol..


New Member
i catch my run off in 5 gallon buckets with milkcrate turned over and slid over bucket and when i used molasses and would forget to empty that shit got foul
i almost :spew:too

yah, i think you're ok.. i often leave mine mixed for a good two days or so and never saw any negative effects.. the only time it ever got really nasty on me was when i added some mollases to the mix.. omg, that stuff got super funky in like a day.. and i mean, super duper funky.. nasty, i almost wretched when i smelled it first to make sure it smelled ok still, big mistake, lol..


Well-Known Member
I was actually looking for the same information. I just recently bought the 'GO BOX' from 'General Organics'. Which, came with the same stuff your using I believe. Mine came with

BioThrive 'GROW;

BioThrive 'Bloom';

Bio Bud (bloom booster);

BioMarine (cold processed squid);

Black Diamond;

BioRoot (root booster);

BioWeed (cold processed seaweed);

and lastly.. CaMg+ (calcium and magnesium).

Anyhow, when mixing up a dose of these nutrients with water.. how long can I leave the mixture sitting in-between feedings?? I'm asking because I got up this morning to feed them like I do every week.. and I looked through the bottle I had the nutes/water stored in.. and when I looked through the bottle I could see that some shit had settled to the bottom of the bottle. I tried shaking it up.. but that didn't help any.

Also, the smell... when I took the lid/cap off the bottle.. holy shit, I couldn't believe the horrible smell. It smelled like a dead body!! No joke! And yea, I do know what a dead body smells like.. and its not something you ever forget.. and that's what I would classify the smell.. as smelling like. Smelled like a dead body..

needless to say, I dumped that smelly crap down the toilet and flushed it.. then came back and mixed up a nice fresh mix for the ladies.

Anyhow, anyone have any advice for storing the already mixed nutes.. in-between feedings?

Thank for any help.



Well-Known Member
epic thread title typo

Your nuts will go bad stored in water, keep them clean and dry at all times or just like nutes in water you'll grow algae or fungus or they'll turn bad within a week or two. Ph goes wacky on your nuts, athletes foot type jock itch fungus will set in quick if they are wet all the time, especially if you feed the fungus.


Well-Known Member
epic thread title typo

Your nuts will go bad stored in water, keep them clean and dry at all times or just like nutes in water you'll grow algae or fungus or they'll turn bad within a week or two. Ph goes wacky on your nuts, athletes foot type jock itch fungus will set in quick if they are wet all the time, especially if you feed the fungus.
LMAO.. was thinking the same thing actually.

thats how I read the title as well... thought it looked interesting.




Active Member
thanks for the help guys.

thanks. yea i did try to edit it 20 seconds after but i cant edit the title lol. or maybe i just did that to make you look... no it was a typo ha ha

best nuts joke gets +Rep lol


bud bootlegger
thanks for the help guys.

thanks. yea i did try to edit it 20 seconds after but i cant edit the title lol. or maybe i just did that to make you look... no it was a typo ha ha

best nuts joke gets +Rep lol
not that i'm bagging on you as yours was obviously a typo, but for some odd reason i always hate when people abbreviate nutrients as nuts.. it just gets under my skin as they aren't nuts, but rather nuits or nutes even, but never ever nuts.. lol..
and again not bagging on the op, i see this all of the time and people will continue even in the thread to call their nutes nuts, and well, it drives me nuits, or was it nuts?? damn, now i'm all confused, lol..


Active Member
yea it was a typo you can see in the first line i wrote it as nutes.

i know what you mean but it dosent get to me as much as it does you lol. i read it as it is if it says nuts i read nuts not nutes...

note to self check thread before posting. ha ha.


Well-Known Member
I have to go out of town for two weeks and I just mixed and ph'd about 12 gallons of water. They are in one gallon jugs and sealed, anyone had to do this? Will they be alright?


bud bootlegger
yea it was a typo you can see in the first line i wrote it as nutes.

i know what you mean but it dosent get to me as much as it does you lol. i read it as it is if it says nuts i read nuts not nutes...

note to self check thread before posting. ha ha.
yah, i knew that yours was a typo cuz i did see in the first line that you spelt it the other way, that is why i wasn't bagging on you..but was just saying how for some odd reason it tends to get under my skin.. sometimes its the stupid little things that do it to me, like say people who bite on their forks when eating, or slurp their soup is another one.. i've got a ton of them..
anyhoo's, what all are you growing there m8?? anything yummy??


bud bootlegger
I have to go out of town for two weeks and I just mixed and ph'd about 12 gallons of water. They are in one gallon jugs and sealed, anyone had to do this? Will they be alright?
i'd say that if they are in an airtight container, and kept out of any direct light, or even better yet, in dark containers, you may have a shot at it.. but it all depends on what nutes you're using i'd say..
if you have enough time before you leave, how about trying it out now so that you'd know first?? like mix them up now, not a bunch, just enough to test the theory, and see how they make out.. if you don't have enough time now to try it, well, scratch that idea, lol...


Active Member
yah, i knew that yours was a typo cuz i did see in the first line that you spelt it the other way, that is why i wasn't bagging on you..but was just saying how for some odd reason it tends to get under my skin.. sometimes its the stupid little things that do it to me, like say people who bite on their forks when eating, or slurp their soup is another one.. i've got a ton of them..
anyhoo's, what all are you growing there m8?? anything yummy??
yea ive got to put up a thread on my grow, im still getting over the whole paranoia thing. i took me about a month to post my first question and i dont tell many people.

ive got 3 on the go 4 weeks into flowering and all going well. a cheese strain, a blueberry strain and cant really remember but something about knockout too help with my sleeping problems.

thanks for the interest man.


Active Member
i refill my tanks every 3 days. 2 * 44gal drums. pH doesnt fluctuate at all over that time. starts at 6.2 finishes at 6.2 never mess with it except when refilling tank. add H2O2 every 2nd day @ 50mls/drum. so long as the mix is kept moving it should last a while. IMO!!! if you store it in bottles at a minimum should be in the dark and sealed. maybe try adding a touch more H2O2 if your using it just too get the water a little more 'cleaner'. see if you can get someone to shake the bopttle for a few seconds each day as well too get air into the water ?


King Tut
thanks for the help guys.

thanks. yea i did try to edit it 20 seconds after but i cant edit the title lol. or maybe i just did that to make you look... no it was a typo ha ha

best nuts joke gets +Rep lol
LOL!!! i love typos! "Headlines" on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno!!!!


New Member
omg u put your nuts in water and molasses i bet it smelled bad tmi

yah, i think you're ok.. i often leave mine mixed for a good two days or so and never saw any negative effects.. the only time it ever got really nasty on me was when i added some mollases to the mix.. omg, that stuff got super funky in like a day.. and i mean, super duper funky.. nasty, i almost wretched when i smelled it first to make sure it smelled ok still, big mistake, lol..