How long before i can plant outdoors?

Blazed and Confused

Active Member
Hey i got 4 clones about 3 weeks ago and they have been sitting in
my closet under a grow light for almost 24 hours a day, how long
until i can plant my babys outside without them dieing? i live in bay area.



Well-Known Member
I don't really have an answer for you but I suggest you post this thread in the outdoor section, people their will have a lot more suggestions for you. Good luck.


Active Member
You should wait until its consistantly above 45+ degree's. Temp's less than that can do least that's what I've heard. Can depend on strain as well I suppose. I live in New England and sometimes that can mean mid-late May. I'm going to have a 2 1/2 month to plant outdoors (in addition to my 3 indoors) and see how big of a crop I can get.