How Long Before a Clone is "Dead"?


Well-Known Member
Just curious, I've had a clone here for about 5-6 days and still no signs of a rooting system.

How long before you guys declare a clone "dead"?


Well-Known Member
yea im sort of going through this...

i have four clones that arent rooted yet its been bouyt a week now

still alive and healthy tho


Well-Known Member
Yeah, for some reason most of my clones seem to take about 10 days each to show signs of a rooting system. Don't worry about it, it'll work out.


Well-Known Member
Just curious, I've had a clone here for about 5-6 days and still no signs of a rooting system.
Roots can take anywhere between 7 and 21 days to show - depending on strain and environment.

One of my strains took about 14 days to show roots, others took nearer 7.


Active Member
I have the same problems with my clones taking what seems like forever. I have come one conclusion and temp is a big factor, the low 70's constant seems to get the best results for me...........good luck

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I took a clone of my Northern lights. It is looking pretty healthy. But after 15 days, there is not root yet. it will show someday.


Well-Known Member
its all in the temp, and humidity

use a heatpad from say a waterbed, and use a vented dome to keep the humidity high.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Hell I have 4 that haven't grown at all but they are alive and struggling. They must be going on a month or more now.

these are an exception tho, I believe, as my dumbazz took them from plants 5 weeks into flowering.

But it's not dead until it's DEAD.