how long are you guys high for?


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, I love butter.
In fact my mother came over and threw out what I had left of my canna butter.
She said it was green and it smelled funny, so she threw it out.
I was sooo fucken pissed at her.


Well-Known Member
30 min with a bong
45 min with a pipe
2 hours with a blunt

Naturally ive been smoking more blunts lately, i think this may be the solution to your problem..
this has nothing to do with it. you are probably just smoking much more weed in the blunt than you are with bowls pipes.

load 2g into a bong and see how high you get.bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
my shit last anywhere from 30 mins to two hours, depends on how strongand how big of hits i take


Well-Known Member
It depends. I only smoke dank, when I smoke I need to smoke a lot. I'm usually only high for an hour or so. Bongs being the shortest lasting but the most intense. If it's a heavy keif bowl I'll be high for a solid hour to two.

In any case, I find the volcano vape produces the longest cleanest high. It's not the most intense, but shit with that thing you can keep on smoking and keep on getting higher and higher. Seriously, it seems like there is no limit to that thing.