how is my tree living off of such little dirt? can my weed?


Well-Known Member
ok now when you grow your plant in soil, say you have a 4 gallon container with soil, good potting mix. now can i grow my weed in there until its time for harvest with out ever adding anything but water and light and air? because some people are saying you have to add stuff, but i think you could just grow it all the way in the dirt and it woudlnt die and still produce smokable bud, maybe not prime but smokable.

(of course myself im using a veg grow big formula and a big bloom fox farm.)

but i bet man that you could smoke that bud because i have a big fuckin tree in my kitchen and it has 4 new big ass new green branches with leaves on it and all i do is add water and its old man.


Well-Known Member
but i bet man that you could smoke that bud because i have a big fuckin tree in my kitchen and it has 4 new big ass new green branches with leaves on it and all i do is add water and its old man.
There's organic matter in plain soil that slowly releases nutrients as it decomposes that's enough for a slow growing plant like trees. Any added nutrients will boost that growth though.


Well-Known Member
so could i grow a pot plant in a 4 gallon pot for four months never giving it anything but the soil?
that's basically what the organic growers do, they just cheat and add a lot of stuff like manure, worm castings, compost, bone meal (great stuff) sea weed, green sand, etc.