How is my plant? !st time grow.


Active Member
Hi 1st time grow right here. I would like some feedback on my plant. It looks healthy so far but I don't have the growers eye yet so I'm hoping someone here can let me know if they see any bad signs appose to my setup.

It's been 10 days since sprout
I'm using miracle grow seed starter(got from a friend, will I need same soil for transplant?) It's was being watered every 4-5 days for the first 7-8 days considering I was only using an 18w fluorescent now that I have this regular 300w it's probably being water every 3 days do to the extra heat. My temperature is around 85-90 degrees lights on and 65-70 degrees when sleeping. No extra nutrients have not been added. I also have no other gauges for checking ph,ppm ect. Just temperature of the grow area.

I would like to grow it organicly but I'm not sure what to get or when to feed it. If you guys could tell me what I should get to keep it nice and healthy till harvest. Also I would like to start feeding it at about a month. Would this be fine considering my soil? sorry if the pics are blurry


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Active Member
Hello there!
I´m actually i first timer grower as well but i hope i can help you a little till someone else reaches out their helping hand.
First of all i would consider getting some real pots, im not sure you get it all right with teacups. for drainage and alloowing the soil to "breathe" right.
I would also be careful with touching your plants at such an age, both so you dont hurt them and be sure to really wash your hands before so you dont get bacteria on them. I even have a desinfectant to be safe, i don't know if its necessary but i'm like an overprotecting mother to them i guess :P its better to be on the safe side.
and by the way, are you doing your whole grow in that little box? if thats the case, it seems a little small to me.
peace out comerade!