How is my plant doing? please take a look


Got one blueberry plant going, today is the start of week 5 flower. This is my first grow so I don't really know where it should be at but it seems okay to me, good bud production along with trich production, basically I just want to know if its good for where its at right now. Few things I'd like to ask. Is it normal for plants in flower to suck up feed/water fast? because whether its just water or feed I usually give it about 2 litres, and 2 days ago I watered and the soil is very very dry, its never dried up that fast for me before. Another thing, there is hardly no smell to my plant at all. If im out of the house a long time then come back in to my room there a light skunky smell. But if I go right up to the plant and buds to smell it, it just smells like 'Plant' like 'green' and 'chlorophyll' If that makes sense. Should I be worried. Will the smell stay like this? I know its not all about the smell, but apparently blueberry is supposed to give off a skunky/fruity smell, and it just doesn'20130205_123901.jpg20130205_124127.jpg20130205_124347.jpg20130205_124431.jpg20130205_124447.jpg20130205_122525.jpg20130205_122835.jpgt seem to be happening, will it happen coming to the end of flowering and/or curing?