How Important Is The Node?

hi guys

How important is the node ....

if i take a cutting below the node will it root faster then if i cutting the clone above the Node

thanks in Advance guys

i jus wanted too know as i think im taking clones incorretly and thats why im not rooting my clones earlier then i Should be



Well-Known Member

Since you are cutting between 2 nodes..... You are always going to be above and below the node...

Maybe that is why you have 100 views and no comments :P

I cut mine toward the bottom between the nodes so I have alot of clean stem. I then use an aeroponics setup to root them. Takes about a week and I am a newb at it.


Active Member
I make the cut right through a node trim the leaves off first then cut on a 45 degree angle through a node and root with what ever method you use I personaly use the aerated water style.

Since you are cutting between 2 nodes..... You are always going to be above and below the node...

Maybe that is why you have 100 views and no comments :P

I cut mine toward the bottom between the nodes so I have alot of clean stem. I then use an aeroponics setup to root them. Takes about a week and I am a newb at it.
thanks for the help mate

i should have made it clearer should there be a node below the medium for it too root or will it root from anywhere on the stem