How important is drying the whole plant before cutting branches off?


Well-Known Member
Read that cutting the plant above the dirt then hanging the whole plant upside down for the first 5 to 7 days of drying helps pull all the leftover resins and moisture out of the plant, and then to break branches off and hang them individually. I could biuld a shed to hang them all but if I could break each plant into 5 or 6 sections I would already have enough room in a place to dry it.

So my question is would breaking my plant into 5 or 6 sections instead of hanging the whole plant during first phase of drying really effect quality


Well-Known Member
Some folks do it that way (hang and then dry trim) and swear it makes tastier pot....but I go with good genetics and know it will be tasty rather than try to bump the taste on the backside. I trim wet for the ease of it all. Dry trimming, IMO, sucks. I'd break it up and not think about it if i had the space to do so and doing something else would be a hassle. Others may cry foul. In the end...iIt all smokes like pot!

good luck