How have you killed your plants?


Well-Known Member
So, Ive got my share of experience in killing plants and was wondering what mistakes you have all had, might help others prevent doing the same.
The first time i grew few years ago i used ONE regular bulb, they stretched and i had no idea why it was falling over.

Then I grew it outside and after a few weeks and great growth they were eaten by bugs even though i put up fly nets.:confused: Im not sure what i could have done to prevent this but just to let you all know that that dangers still out there.

Now Im growing inside in a box with 3 23 watt CFLs and for one night i only left a little hole in the box for air. The coputer fan i had left running placed inside the box and the next morning one of the smaller plants has dried out from apparently over heating. So, ventilation = very important.


Well-Known Member
I have only killed 1 plant in my recent grow history. The started out as indoor plants, but I gave them nutes too early and they started looking like shit. I transplanted them and they still looked like shit. So I said fuck it and planted them outside to see what would happen. The 1 recovered while the other wilted away. Poor little guy.


Well-Known Member
lets see,
1) Too much water
2) Folar feeding (spraying leaves) with fertilizer water
3) Plants too close to hot lamp
4) Over stretched and fell over (light too far away)
5) Bugs (spidermites mostly), killed 2 plants which led me to no. 6
6) Not following instructions on pesticide (sprayed 2 days in a row and killed
10 of my best plants in a matter of hours)

Yes, I know, pretty crappy however I am currently growing what is looking to be my best crop yet (althoug still very early, end of the first week) and have improved my strategy IMMENSELY due in a majority to So to all you horticultural vets out there, thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Lack of ventilation. It caused a fungus that wiped out all my plants in flower.


Well-Known Member
time released nutes been my biggest killer in the first years, cause a lot fertilizer burns to me. that is followed by over-watering and lack of proper drainage of the pots/soil i used in the pre-grow. improper lightning of the grow/plants stretching due to this. small wildlife such as mainly squirrels and deer in my grow. and to cases of moose and a black bear pushing their way into my grow. that bear paid for it dearly:D


Well-Known Member
First grow, didn't know anything about cultivation. My buddy just had this plant that he had to get rid of, so I took it off his hands. I over-watered the dam thing until it molded and died. It was about 2 months old. Second grow, right after the first, I planted a seed and it stretched like a motherfudger, didn't know why, and it died. After that, I read anything and everything I could on growing. Now I "DON'T", yes I don't have 3 plants growing at an undisclosed location nicely, and 15 more in their germination stages. All is well now, a lil' bit of knowlegde means the difference than saving or killing your crop. Still gotta master the whole nutrient area though, kinda rusty at it.


Well-Known Member
cut worms at 2". after that all good. cuttings don't make it here and there, but i am not a plant killer. i have three males right now, i just can't do it. they are outside though.


I can honestly say i have not killed any plants yet without doing it on purpose. i've had my fare share of problems, but always recovered 100%.

that's a biggest grower mistake is having a problem and either not fixing it or not knowing how - do the research :D there's a way to fix most every problem you create.


Well-Known Member
i recently snapped the stem of mine while lsting. was very disappointed as it slowly died and no amount of tape would save me. the other plant i had going was real healthy but turned out to be a male. he's now my house plant, need the pot back but cant kill him!


next time you snap the stem... apply rooting hormone and try to get it to root out.


Well-Known Member
killed first grow 6 plants 5 feet tall in 4th week of flower due to putting molassass in my hydro res


Well-Known Member
Followed that great molasses growfaq up there. They should just ammend that thing or take it down. What a joke.


Well-Known Member
I did the dumb shit....I killed 3 plants by planting in MiracleGrow 3 month fert (pre-loaded with fungus gnats!) then 1 day after sprouting I began using Miracle Grow houseplant fert at full strength.

Needless to say I corrected the problem by usiing the right soil....right ferts....and at the right time.


Elite Rolling Society
I thought every pothead around had tried throwing a seed in a paper cup full of dirt and watched it grow 3 or 4 inches tall, until it fell over and then died of drowning. Haven't we all done that?
I've killed a few with too strong of nutes or too frequent feedings.
And I've killed one messing with PH UP and PH down too much.
Most of us kill plants thinking "I wonder what will happen if I try ________!" and we don't know what will happen.


Well-Known Member
Yep RoseMan....I thought..."I wonder if I start fertilizing now, I bet I'd get 15ft plants."....ennnnnnnnnn...wrong answer!

But ya live and you learn...and then pass the knowledge down so others wont do the same thing you did.


Well-Known Member
I thought every pothead around had tried throwing a seed in a paper cup full of dirt and watched it grow 3 or 4 inches tall, until it fell over and then died of drowning. Haven't we all done that?
I've killed a few with too strong of nutes or too frequent feedings.
And I've killed one messing with PH UP and PH down too much.
Most of us kill plants thinking "I wonder what will happen if I try ________!" and we don't know what will happen.

yep yep started like 12 bagseads in my closet once with 2 little cfl's..... and then...... I forgot about them. they never had a chance... But my dad; he couldn't kill a plant with a chain saw. he'll watter everyday, nut babies, literally rip off like half the leaves...but come harvest no one could argue with his methods, MONSTERS every one of em. It must be steroids.:hump: