How good is the weed


Well-Known Member
Maybe I am the only one , BUT,I want to have more information about the weed that I am buying. I have not harvested yet, and have to depend on local contacts for my smoke. What really get's me is that no one seems interested in knowing anything about the history of the weed that they are selling.As soon as you start asking questions , everyone gets paranoid , and looks at you like there is something wrong with YOU. I WANT to know what I am ingesting into my body. Then again , being lowly drug dealers they would probably lie to me, tell me what I want to hear,ETC.
OH, never mind!.


Well-Known Member
I doubt any of the stuff on the street (depends where you live) comes from a well known strain. It could be good even great, also depends on how long it was sitting around and care taken makes a big difference


Well-Known Member
For sure , the stuff I buy gets me high OK, but , I just wonder about a few things;
1. What is this that I am buying, Indica,Sativa,more likely a hybrid, so what is it,CaliMist,AK47,Blueberry,WW,BC God ?????,
2. Was the crop flushed of nutrients two weeks before harvest ?
3. Was the crop sprayed with insecticide within the last month, to kill a possible mite infestation ? LIKE I"M SURE THEY WILL TELL.
I just don't like the "take it or leave it' attitude out there, I guess that is why I am growing my own.


Well-Known Member
i dont have problems with qual if you buy a qp of half every week they make sure its good to get you to come back


Well-Known Member
if u copin mids/lob kno that it aint shit.

U gettin some exotic someone took their time on it.

Yea pple dont like to give history lessons. Its either buy or take ya ass on in GA.


Well-Known Member
I usualy know what im picking up, bcuz i buy in oz's...,B.C,champagne,bubblegum kush.. all know we get that cheap dank up in canada,/....Dont expect to know what you smoking on from a nickel/dime dealer


Well-Known Member
For sure , the stuff I buy gets me high OK, but , I just wonder about a few things;
1. What is this that I am buying, Indica,Sativa,more likely a hybrid, so what is it,CaliMist,AK47,Blueberry,WW,BC God ?????,
Answered your own question

2. Was the crop flushed of nutrients two weeks before harvest ?
You should be able to taste it

3. Was the crop sprayed with insecticide within the last month, to kill a possible mite infestation ? LIKE I"M SURE THEY WILL TELL.
I highly doubt that...who the fuck could they sell to if all their customers are dead?

I just don't like the "take it or leave it' attitude out there, I guess that is why I am growing my own.
Dude, you buy "chronic" then you'll know what you're getting...and if they just say "purps" thats when you walk away. But most of the time if someone is selling some dank weed they'll tell you what strain.


Well-Known Member
pple do tell u wat it is when its exotic but, wont tell u if it's indica/sativa shit like that.
Nor if it was flushed etc.
they say a name u smell it u done.
If u want da weeds life story u gotta go to the grower.


Well-Known Member
pple do tell u wat it is when its exotic but, wont tell u if it's indica/sativa shit like that.
Nor if it was flushed etc.
they say a name u smell it u done.
If u want da weeds life story u gotta go to the grower.
Like THAT'S NOT a happinin thing...


Well-Known Member
Like THAT'S NOT a happinin thing...
If you got friends who grow like me I know everything they do to it, we test buds to see how much to charge.
If you on the middle man type shit don't expect a story as you said tho.


Well-Known Member
I just want to know as much as possible about what I am inhaling into my lungs. As things are to-day there is an unwritten code when it comes to buying weed , ask no questions , other than "How much ?".
I used to buy Hemp-butter from a friend , until I saw how unsanitary his OP was , now I make my own. Same way with weed that I buy , if I have a choice between bud that has been grown with some concern for the quality of the final product, i.e. proper flushing etc. and bud that has just been pumped with as much nutes as possible , just to increase the yeild , I'll go for the " cleaner " bud. I would think that this would be especially true for Medical users.


Well-Known Member
well you'll never get a life story, I hate to say.
Either he gonna say it's;
or a actual strain.
Best thing you can do is smell it