How Far Apart?


Well-Known Member
do I need to put my plants outdoors and how deep do I dig the holes? I will be transplanting in the spring at around 6" to 8" tall directly in the ground. I want to grow them 6+ft. tall. Any pointers for me?


Well-Known Member
ok well from what i remember in my horticulture class in hs if you dig a deep hole and back fill it with a softer metereal the root will just use the soft area till it need to search for water. dose that make since?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think instead of lugging soil though...I'm going to till my area now and amend it with some compost, sand, and some mycorrhizal fungi. Then continue to till it every week or so until the ground freezes or it snows and cover it with some light peat till spring. Then 2 months before planting I'll continue to till every week or so until I plant. Maybe I'll try to plant the plants 2-3ft apart to give them room to branch out. If the roots run out of horizontal space they could always grow deeper if the soil is right. That's my theory anyway. Was just wanting some outdoor growers opinions as I have only grown indoors. I can't wait till SPRING!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ya that sounds like a plan. i cant wait too, i started late this year and had to move it inside to finsh up got to cold at night now