How does this mix sound?


Well-Known Member
1st time trying the organic thing. I'm about to prepare my huge holes. Figured I'd post the mix im going with and get some opinions on it.

Here it is

2 parts EB Stone flower and vegetable planting mix(pine bark, mushroom compost, forest products compost, and chicken manure.(also contains mychorrizae)

1 part Evergreen potting soil (plain non nuted soil from Lowes to stretch out the EB stone a bit. Got 6 HUGE holes to fill.

1 part EB stone earthworm castings

1 part hoffman perlite

1 cup espoma biotone plus 4-3-3(says its full of mychos and all kinds of stuff)

topdress with espoma tomato tone 3-4-6 starting 2nd week of flowering.

Thats about it. Anything I need to add, or perhaps take away? Thanks.

Btw, I also have some Black Kow composted cow manure 5-5-5 if anyone thinks that would help.
And feel free to criticize as this is my 1st going organic. I usually just throw some mg or something similar in a hole and so be it. lol. And one more thing. My plants are in 1 gallon buckets right now,( in all day sunlight) in eb stone potting soil. They were started mid april. Bout a ft tall. Will transplant after sexing.(hopefully soon) Thanks again.


Dolomite lime.

Espoma Bio-tone Starter Plus is good stuff, as are the other Tone products. You've given parts but not volumes, just follow the label instructions on the Espoma products so you know how much to apply. I think a cup is good per five gallons, check the bag though.


Well-Known Member
Dolomite lime.

Espoma Bio-tone Starter Plus is good stuff, as are the other Tone products. You've given parts but not volumes, just follow the label instructions on the Espoma products so you know how much to apply. I think a cup is good per five gallons, check the bag though.
When I say parts i was referrering to each hole, not all 6 holes. Hope that helps. Ima dumb ass. lol. And I've heard and read nothing but great things about the biotone plus myself. And i was under the impression that lime was used with peat based soils. Must have some more goodies in it that I havent read about. ha. Thanks. Oh yeah, I plan on filling all holes about halfway with the planting mix, then fill the rest with the cheap soil. With the ammendments mixed in of course. Trying to save a few bucks. lol. The Planting Mix is 7.99 for 1.5 cubic ft which isnt that bad. They also have eb stone potting soil which is 10.99 for 1.5 cft. My old working buddy told me "it doesnt take all them fancy soils, nutes and shit outdoors". lol. And he knows his "reefer". lol. Btw, my holes are about 1.5 ft deep. 2 ft wide. Id say thats a lot more than 5 gallons. ha