how does this guy make you feel?


Active Member
Scared shitless!!! OMFG!!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!! DUMB NIGERIAN KID IS PUTTING BOMBS IN HIS UNDERPANTS AND SHOOTING RIFLES!!! He's probably going to be in federal prison until he's 70...maybe he'll learn to appreciate america there. But yeah, I'm more concerned about crashing my car on the interstate than I am about this loser and his retarded ilk.

How does it make it you feel, jeffrey? Angry? Confused? Sad? Hungy...? Mad at them darn no good muslims?


Well-Known Member
Dude are you kidding? That isn't 1% of it. is filled with volumes upon volumes of such films and worse. I saw one that was a children's school play in which the children dressed up like suicide bombers and carried out missions. The parents were so proud and thought it was so adorable to see their little 5 year olds dressed as suicide bombers. They were taking pictures as if their kid was dressed as the Easter bunny and would break out in applause when the kids would pledge their lives for the killing of infidels. Talk about chilling.


New Member
I wonder how they feel with predators flying overhead all day and night, US bombing and driving tanks and Bradelys all over their home territory. How would you feel if it was reversed. I'll bet you would be an "insurgent", I know I would. I'd be laying out IEDs all over the place, doing long range sniping, and killing as many as I could. Walk a mile before you condemn the muslims. They have few resources with which to fight back. They use what they can and that includes religious fanatics with bombs strapped to their bodies. I'm not condoning it, I just believe that were the circumstances reversed, we, the US citizens, would be actively participating in insurgent activity.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how they feel with predators flying overhead all day and night, US bombing and driving tanks and Bradelys all over their home territory. How would you feel if it was reversed. I'll bet you would be an "insurgent", I know I would. I'd be laying out IEDs all over the place, doing long range sniping, and killing as many as I could. Walk a mile before you condemn the muslims. They have few resources with which to fight back. They use what they can and that includes religious fanatics with bombs strapped to their bodies. I'm not condoning it, I just believe that were the circumstances reversed, we, the US citizens, would be actively participating in insurgent activity.
+rep to that.


New Member
Yah, I can remember back during the Civil war... southerners were always blowing themselves up.... strapping bombs to their kids....all sort of "righteous" stuff like that.


Well-Known Member US flag to shoot at?
They must not hate us like everyone makes it seem hahahahaha


New Member
Best way to solve the Middle east problem?

dateline: the Cracker Presidency announces the USA will NO LONGER be involved in ANY peace negotiations concerning the Middle east. "We are no longer interested in any involvement what so ever".


New Member
No, we reassert to the world that the United States of America supports countries that are based on DEMOCRACY, no matter where they are on a map. Of course if the Arab nations ever became democratic systems, this problem would evaporate.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how they feel with predators flying overhead all day and night, US bombing and driving tanks and Bradelys all over their home territory. How would you feel if it was reversed. I'll bet you would be an "insurgent", I know I would. I'd be laying out IEDs all over the place, doing long range sniping, and killing as many as I could. Walk a mile before you condemn the muslims. They have few resources with which to fight back. They use what they can and that includes religious fanatics with bombs strapped to their bodies. I'm not condoning it, I just believe that were the circumstances reversed, we, the US citizens, would be actively participating in insurgent activity.

No sorry medicated,I would not strap on a bomb and kill innocent people.

They kill their own people trying to bomb soilders,Really heroic.


New Member
Well since EVERYONE knows that it was the US govt. who flew those planes into the WTT's ... med man had better start walking that mile and grab his sniper rifle....

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
why cant everyone just chill out and get along i wish i lived in the past with barbarians and castles sometimes... even then they were fighting i guess.... i hate this planet