How does she look? First trial grow


This is just a random seed and ended up being female. She's not in the best spot though. During summer she was getting 8 hrs of direct sunlight but as the sun has moved south, she now MIGHT see 3 hrs and some of that is filtered through some tree canopies. I noticed she is budding out good but they seem airy and not as frosty looking as some I have seen recently. Also notice how purple the leaves are... all but the lowest leaves are turning completely purple as the night temps dropped into the low 50's. Supposed to be in the lower 40's later this week but no chance of a freeze yet. Typically we don't see temps in the 30's till late October. What do you guys think? Will this plant smoke alright?



Well-Known Member
There's no way to know how it will smoke, unless you smoked the weed you got the seeds from it'll be the same as that was.


Well i hope you have a really low tolerance.. so you fell it.Is the plant short? I dont see many braches...I would personally leave it ...Looks like a waste of time... srry dude.. You need to watch some Jorge Cervantes videos and learn the basics...light requirements where never met with your setup so your kinda doomed from the beginning unless you pre veg indoors and Flower when your getting those 8 yrs of light ... although ur really growing in the shade... so you need some equipment !!


The plant would be over 6 ft tall but I tied it down for a stealth grow. There are around 12 nice sized buds but they haven't filled out yet. I'm hoping another month and they will start to fatten up.


I know the pics aren't great but you guys think it needs another month? I think it does. I'd rather pick it late than early for sure. It probably gets around 6 hrs of filtered light now with 2 hrs full sun. It's hard to predict where the sun will end up if you don't plan a year in advance. It slid a lot further south than I expected. Live and learn