how does it look? and some nwbie growing questions


Well-Known Member
i never said it strected because of the light check out my grow pics and tell me i need to do resurch,.....
if if i was to grow say white widow in 8x5 foot closet just one or up to four depeanding on the first outcome with a 250 hps light what kind of odor controll would i need no ventalshen, a ozone generator, or carbon air filter,or just some odor gel??? can not use ventalshen at this time thats the last option but tell me any way i wont need odor controll for one plant (WW) huh? may be not even 4 huh am not like high times yet!!!


Well-Known Member
my plant is now 10 days old here are some pics. how does it look? there are 2 burns on the leaves one on the top set of leaves and one on the bottom set what do you think it could be from? too much sun? i havent added any nutes. do you think it will be safe to tie the top of the plant down in about another week? because i have to keep the plant hidden. also how much water do you think i should be giving the plant now? what ive been doing is just waiting till the top of the soil gets dry then keep adding water till it leaks out the holes at the bottom. is that good? or should i be watering it different?



Well-Known Member
i just planted a germinated bagseed about 6 days ago i was just letting it grow indoors under a shitty 20watt cfl for now but i noticed stretching so now i decided to put it outside so it can get a good amount of sunlight its in a like 1.5liter pot with holes in the bottom for watering i just have a few questions like
how often should i water it?
how much water should i give it?
when would it be safe to top it?
what is the safest but easiest way to top it?
is there any way to help it grow better without using nutes?
any other growing tips would be apreciated.
also how does the plant look for about 6 days old?:joint:
If you can get 2 X 26w cfls and stick plant right in the middle and about 3/4-1" away. I wait till the soil pulls away from plant pot, when bigger you can go by wet/dry weights, or buy a moisture meter ($10). wal-mart...water till you see water coming out of holes..water evenly & completely or you'll risk hot spots of nutes in the roots..
Nutes basic 20-20-20 for veg, 10-25-20 flower $8.00 each (a must).
Top at the 3-5th hurries yet, get a plant 1st, then worry about frills later....
Plants look good, don't rush and try everything. You need a strong & healthy plant 1st.....Good Luck :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so within about a week i want to either top it or tie it down do you think it will be safe then? or should i wait even longer? and what one do you think would be better to top it or just tie it down?