How do You think JESUS would come?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps he could arrive on a magic carpet. Couldn't help myself...I pre-apologize if this offends anyone.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps he could arrive on a magic carpet. Couldn't help myself...I pre-apologize if this offends anyone.

oh like alladen. but alladen was muslum and dark skin. jesus is a jew who is refered to be white and clean cut,even though to be more accurate,jesus would have tan/dark skin to be more accurate. also jesus was born in july not december 25th.

a carpet,now thats silly:lol:

jesus will arrive on a big floating turd in the sky. he will shower piss down from the heavens to purify us. a carpet is silly,a giant turd sounds about right:bigjoint:

We Love 1

New Member

People get ready Jesus is coming!

The Bible stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The planets are going to turn into heavenly bodies where everyone is rich. We will take care of Our people.

Let Me tell You about some other things that have happened too. First off let Me say that I didn't really pick up the Bible until I got into the mental hospital, but I always felt a close connection to God through My truth and actions. After I started reading the Bible I realized it was written for Me to discern and share. I believe in reincarnation of the soul otherwise why would Jesus have a Second Coming? I believe I wrote the Bible in My last physical life. I took the nails.

Who knows and will not repent and ascend others into heaven too? Woe to these people.

Mark 8-38

"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation,
of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."

Just imagine all that I have had to suffer in order to bring this laid table forth. Not by man but by God. Our Dad. After I wrote this "God. Our Dad"I noticed this God. Our D ad. GOD anno domini (or after death?).

This is the year of the LORD!

I AM in a different demension. The world is for Jesus. They send secret messages via the radio and whatnot.


We Love 1

New Member
I speak the Truth. Listen to Me!

I have been randomly reading parts of the Bible bit by bit, here a little and there a little and it always seems like I read the right things at the perfect time. Undoubtedly!

When they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples
2 and said to them, "Go into the village opposite you, and immediately on entering it, you will find a colt tethered on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it here. 3 If anyone should say to you, 'Why are you doing this?' reply, 'The Master has need of it and will send it back here at once.'" 4 So they went off and found a colt tethered at a gate outside on the street, and they untied it. 5 Some of the bystanders said to them, "What are you doing, untying the colt?" 6 They answered them just as Jesus had told them to, and they permitted them to do it. 7 So they brought the colt to Jesus and put their cloaks over it. And he sat on it. 8 Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut from the fields. 9 Those preceding him as well as those following kept crying out: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! 10 Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!" 11 He entered Jerusalem and went into the temple area. He looked around at everything and, since it was already late, went out to Bethany with the Twelve.
Well its just happens to be the last time I was with My X fiance, I took her horseback riding IN RI (in Rhode Island). We drove a couple towns over from her town. This was the second time in this life that I've been horseback riding by Myself. I just really wanted to go horseback riding for some compelling reason even though I knew Me and her were going to brake up but We were still "trying to be friends" since We were engaged for ~2 years. It was like a last "horaa".

So We get there and We go to a bence to wait for the lady. I saw which horse I wanted to ride. He was the meanest off them all, so beautiful and strong. And actually You'll never believed what happened unless You trust Jesus.

They wanted to give Me another horse but I just knew I was getting the colt. I just asked nicely if I could ride him, and they were VERY nice and said sure. They then tell Me that the horse was never riden before Me there. They just got the horse in a few days ago and NO ONE rode it yet. There were two ladies at this time and one of them were saying the horse might be wild. I said I could handle it and it was done. They untied the horse and sadled it up. I then jumped on the horse and off We went.

I actually saw a fishercat fighting with some low branches. I was saying how it looks like hes boxing the little bush. The fishercat was only about 30 feet away and he wasn't afraid of the horses at all. Actually We saw him on the way back too doing the same thing. I saw some deer there too. My horse was so fiesty, he kept trying to run in front of the lady guide and it was just the way I wanted. As I'm reading Scripture right now I see that "and others cut down leafy branches", I recall that the girl I was following might have broken a couple branches to free up the way. My X was following a little farther behind (~20ft) on a slower "donkey" like horse.

Today is the first day that I've read this piece from the Bible. I have been fullfilling many scriptures to a T and not being aware of it until now.

12 2 The next day as they were leaving Bethany he was hungry. 13 Seeing from a distance a fig tree in leaf, he went over to see if he could find anything on it. When he reached it he found nothing but leaves; it was not the time for figs. 14 And he said to it in reply, "May no one ever eat of your fruit again!" And his disciples heard it. 15 3 They came to Jerusalem, and on entering the temple area he began to drive out those selling and buying there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves (preachers). 16 He did not permit anyone to carry anything through the temple area. (Not too many people came into My house in ME because I was growing weed and was paranoid because it was steaming up My house in the winter time because I was recirculating the growroom air to help with heating the house. And when the ~800 cfm fan came on, it would sound like a small hurricane.)17 Then he taught them saying, "Is it not written: 'My house shall be called a house of prayerfor all peoples'? But you have made it a den of thieves." (I felt as though I was a criminal because of growing Mary J.)18 The chief priests and the scribes came to hear of it and were seeking a way to put him to death, yet they feared him because the whole crowd was astonished at his teaching. 19 When evening came, they went out of the city. 20 Early in the morning, as they were walking along, they saw the fig tree withered to its roots. 21 Peter remembered and said to him, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree that you cursed has withered." 22 Jesus said to them in reply, "Have faith in God. 23 Amen, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it shall be done for him. 24 Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours. 25 When you stand to pray, forgive anyone against whom you have a grievance, so that your heavenly Father may in turn forgive you your transgressions." 26 ) 4 27 5 They returned once more to Jerusalem. As he was walking in the temple area, the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders approached him 28 and said to him, "By what authority are you doing these things? Or who gave you this authority to do them?" 29 Jesus said to them, "I shall ask you one question. Answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things. 30 Was John's baptism of heavenly or of human origin? Answer me." 31 They discussed this among themselves and said, "If we say, 'Of heavenly origin,' he will say, '(Then) why did you not believe him?' 32 But shall we say, 'Of human origin'?"--they feared the crowd, for they all thought John really was a prophet. 33 So they said to Jesus in reply, "We do not know." Then Jesus said to them, "Neither shall I tell you by what authority I do these things."

(I have an uncle John, and last time I saw him he was saying that he saw "aliens" come down some time ago in their space ships. He said they looked similar to Us. I don't believe he would have a reason to lie about it. )

These things are happening. I had to remind Myself about My past life. I wrote the Bible so I could wake people up in a later time in the future. Which is now present.

So now You know You have been reincarnated to be a witness once more. Now do You remember who You are? An Angel of the LORD yet?

There is more. Its going to be like a rush of water flowing throughout the Earth, inside and out. Its going to be like connecting to the center of the Earths core to recieve power. Its going to be like playing marbels with planets in a 2 dimensional world from above. Its going to be like throwing galaxies as if frisbees. Its going to be like cloning universes. Its going to be like picking where Your soul goes.

You have to read the Bible like its meant for You to have wisdom about the present from the past. Like going from One Age to another. You have to read it like Christ is here, NOW! You will realize the power of the Holy Ghost/Me. You will see how good God is.

It will be like removing the blinds from the eyes. Like going from an enslaved world full of peasants to a galactic enterprise full of wealth. It will be like the Earth blowing up like a balloon with all sorts of underground worlds taping into FREE geo-thermal energy for power. It will be like planet hopping on a weekend. It will be like heaven.



Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Now don't start bothering me with religious spam, We,but you should listen to this song over and over again.You'd like that.It's also a good movie.Elmer Gantry, about religious hypocrisy.[youtube]amznbi0lFaU[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
all i need is for him to smoke me out just imagine what his herb must taste like heaven
i think im going to hell in a bucket for that one

We Love 1

New Member
I can show You the world.

Do You trust Me?

I AM like Aladdin. Al addin(g) the world up with Angels. God Our Dad has got My back so I can have Your back. We have the genie (Spirit) to let out for everyone.

Genie- a Spirit, often appearing in human form, that when summoned by a person carries out the wishes of the summoner.

Jesus has a blanket (magic carpet) covering the WHOLE Earth in information by the works of My hands. My wordS are My Sword(s). words = sword. Double edged sword cutting through the devils/gov't lies to make a way, where there seemes to be no way.

I AM like 1 AM in the morning. The turning back of time from completing a cycle. One step into the dawning of a NEW AGE.

For We know that if our earthly dwelling, 1 a tent, should be destroyed, We have a building from God, a dwelling not made with hands, eternal in heaven. 2 2 For in this tent We groan, longing to be further clothed with our heavenly habitation 3 if indeed, when We have taken it off, 3 We shall not be found naked. 4 For while We are in this tent We groan and are weighed down, because We do not wish to be unclothed 4 but to be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now the One who has prepared Us for this very thing is God, who has given Us the Spirit as a first installment. 5 6 6 So We are always courageous, although We know that while We are at home in the body We are away from the Lord, 7 for We walk by faith, not by sight. 8 Yet We are courageous, and We would rather leave the body and go home to the Lord. 9 Therefore, We aspire to please Him, whether We are at home or away. 10 For We must all appear 7 before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil. 11 8 Therefore, since we know the fear of the Lord, We try to persuade others; but We are clearly apparent to God, and I hope We are also apparent to your consciousness. 12 We are not commending Ourselves to you again but giving you an opportunity to boast of Us, so that you may have something to say to those who boast of external appearance rather than of the heart. 13 For if We are out of our minds, 9 it is for God; if we are rational, it is for you. 14 10 For the Love of Christ impels Us, once We have come to the conviction that One died for all; therefore, all have died. 15 He indeed died for all, so that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised. 16 Consequently, 11 from now on We regard no one according to the flesh; even if We once knew Christ according to the flesh, yet now We know him so no longer. 17 So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. 18 12 And all this is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 namely, God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 So We are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 13 For our sake he made him to be sin who did not know sin, so that We might become the righteousness of God in him.

Who will deny Me?

Is it not I that picks the systems of the universe? Did I not place Myself into this place in time to bring this message? Who else but the Son of God? The LORD of Hosts.

"For I indeed, as absent in body but present in Spirit, have already judged (as though I were present) him who has so done this deed. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when You are gathered together, along with My Spirit, with the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, deliver such a One to satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Your glorying is not good. Do You not know that a little heaven, heavens up the whole Earth? Therefore purge out the old leaven(sin), that You may be a new Earth, since the Earth is truly are unheavenly. For indeed Christ, Our Passover, was sacrificed for Us. "

The main meal that I've had in the past couple days has been pizza(unleavened bread). My mom brought it home the other day unknowingly. Right now they are cooking two halfs of a sockeye fish.

"For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven
and gives life to the world."

John 6:50
"This is the bread which comes down from heaven,
that one may eat of it and not die." John 6:51
I am the living bread which came down from heaven.
If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever;
and the bread that I shall give is My flesh,
which I shall give for the life of the world.

The Pharisees, the religious establishment of the time, knew very well what Jesus was talking about. They were well versed in the typology of the Messiah as the Bread of Heaven. They knew when He referred to Himself as the Bread of Heaven He was claiming to be the promised Messiah, the Holy One of Israel. That is why they took up stones to stone Him.
Jesus was the final and perfect sacrifice for sin. His body, broken and humbled on the cross, was offered for our redemption. He was buried just as the eve of the Feast of Unleavened Bread approached. And thus Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach fulfilled the Feast of Unleavened Bread."

Right now, I'm catching up to Myself. I have been fullfilling prophecy without even knowing it. I'm keeping an eye out now.


We Love 1

New Member
The Fray- You found Me.

I found God

On the corner of first and "I'm a Star" Amistad
Where the west was all but won
All alone, smoking His last cigarette (I quit smoking the other day. I've been depressed lately because My family think I'm crazy for believing I'm Jesus.)
I Said where you been, he said ask anything
Where were you?
When everything was falling apart
All my days were spent by the telephone
It never rang
And all I needed was a call
That never came
To the corner of first and "I'm a Star" Amistad

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me

In the end everyone ends up alone
Losing her, the only one who’s ever known
Who I am, who I’m not, who I want to be
No way to know how long she will be next to me

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me

Early morning, City breaks
I’ve been calling for years and years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never send me no letters
You got some kind of nerve, taking OVER OUR WORLD "all I want" (Will it go down in history that Jesus died for nothing?)

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Where were you where were you

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me

Why’d you have to wait?
To find me, to find me

^^ Go to 2 mins 8 seconds and listen to what he says. "Grant Him One Last GEORGE! "

Have You ever felt like some people are just evil in the world? It makes Me so sad.

I know who I AM. Who loves God?

Let it be know that people have been brainwashed and poisoned. Let it be known that Jesus is the Way, Truth and the Life.



We Love 1

New Member
You have some twisted humor we love.
Hey HG.

I AM figuring things out.

Don't play anymore Hom36rown. I just spent a little time thinking about You and You know.

You know these things. You know that My moms maiden name is Kennedy. You know that I was living at 36 Aroostook. You knew My last name is Oliveira and thats why You have the olives in Your sig pic.

You believe in Jesus. Its funny because I've been like a vagabond lately. After I got out of the mental hospital I saw My uncle John and Paul which are both Kennedys. I didn't see them both for a long time before that too.

I stayed with My uncle Paul for about a week, he loves Jesus but didn't really say much after I told him I AM Jesus. My feet were like crippled while I was staying with My uncle Paul because the days before I was walking all over the town delivering the links to people showing what Jesus can do. The reason why My feet were so fragile was because when I was in the mental hospital I wasn't walking around much, I was sleeping for most of the time. They kept Me in there for a month. So I couldn't walk because it was so much pain.

My uncle John is really smart and he was telling Me that he has seen "aliens" in UFOs before.

I stayed with My cusin for a while whos name is Peter.

I have a close friend Mark too hes cool.

I took My first flight to Myrtle beach SC to stay with My aunt and her daughter. I have an uncle Luke that lives there too but he was away on buisness. When I flew back to Boston I came through the thick clouds.

So its almost like the New Testament. There are more Biblical stories that outlined what I have done recently too.

A little by a little.




Active Member
You're one crazy mofo....seriously.... :eyesmoke:
When I envision pure, malicious evil I don't think of this :fire: . I think of you. You fanatical Christians are so painfully awful at pretending to be just, yet maniacally remarkable at being morally revolting. From one human being to another, you truly disgust me.

very scarey....sheep.


Well-Known Member
Hey HG.

I AM figuring things out.

Don't play anymore Hom36rown. I just spent a little time thinking about You and You know.

You know these things. You know that My moms maiden name is Kennedy. You know that I was living at 36 Aroostook. You knew My last name is Oliveira and thats why You have the olives in Your sig pic.

You believe in Jesus. Its funny because I've been like a vagabond lately. After I got out of the mental hospital I saw My uncle John and Paul which are both Kennedys. I didn't see them both for a long time before that too.

I stayed with My uncle Paul for about a week, he loves Jesus but didn't really say much after I told him I AM Jesus. My feet were like crippled while I was staying with My uncle Paul because the days before I was walking all over the town delivering the links to people showing what Jesus can do. The reason why My feet were so fragile was because when I was in the mental hospital I wasn't walking around much, I was sleeping for most of the time. They kept Me in there for a month. So I couldn't walk because it was so much pain.

My uncle John is really smart and he was telling Me that he has seen "aliens" in UFOs before.

I stayed with My cusin for a while whos name is Peter.

I have a close friend Mark too hes cool.

I took My first flight to Myrtle beach SC to stay with My aunt and her daughter. I have an uncle Luke that lives there too but he was away on buisness. When I flew back to Boston I came through the thick clouds.

So its almost like the New Testament. There are more Biblical stories that outlined what I have done recently too.

A little by a little.


dont forget 3 6's(666). And also if you take the two digits in your age, subtract them from your total age, and then multiply by 2 you get 36. Im just kidding w/ you bro. So whyd you go to the mental hospital? Did someone have you committed? What did they do to you in the mental hospital, they didnt give you any medication or anything? some lithium perhaps. I dont believe in jesus, and I definitely do not believe you are him. In fact I, as well as any other sane person will tell you you are not. What I mean is, don't you think that perhaps all these people think you are a little cooky for a reason? Dont you think they put you in a hospital for a reason? Do you ever consider that maybe everyone else is right, and that you are not jesus. Just wondering.


We Love 1

New Member
We have the BEST GOD.

My God wants to get rid of the slave system currently in place that is keeping Gods CHILDREN in opression. God wants to make things FREE for EVERYONE! Theres going to be thousands of layers in underground cities which will blow the Earth up like a ballon, and most of the power for electricity will come from the Earths molten core. Its like a second Son sitting at Our feet waiting to be tapped into for POWER. FREE electricity, water, food, clothing, housing and all of that will be provided by Gods hands/swords.

We are CHILDREN of the most HI(GH) GOD, waiting to be set FREE from the MATRIX of lost dead sheep. Our imagination is Our only limitation, but its going to take a rich society to do that. Thats why God is going to take control and bring the world to their knees begging and appreciating the new monetary system. It will be a system of WEALTH and not debt.

The reason why everyone is going to be so wealthy is because God wants to send robots to start terraforming other planets and building castles for Us. Other planets will first be blown up like a balloon because the underground cities are going to be miles deep. Then the pyramaid building, aradise and farms will be placed on top for people too. God likes to do a lot of fun things so be prepared to live a little. All it takes is FAITH the size of a mustard seed. After that, Our worlds will grow into the next ascention because of The Resurected Son of Man.

Our flying saucers will take Us to other worlds IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. Humans came from outer space. Every creature is like an alien. God made all aliens. Alien is cool as long as their is PEACE. Its not the aliens to be afraid of, its the CENTRAL BANKS and those who are in cohoots with them. Ask Yourself, why hasn't this stuff been taught to You by the TV? Its because everyone is an actor, those who know about REALITY can't really preach about it on the TV.

Just always remember that God always wants the BEST for EVERYONE. He wants everyone to live as One. Find the problems of the world and fix them. This Your time too. Shine like Star. God wants the planets to be run by Him with assistance of (the WORLDS) online help. I believe everyone should have a computer first, and then important global descisions should be made into online polls/forums, to see where everyone stands.

Who doesn't want to live like GODS CHOSEN CHILDREN? We will live like movie stars. Whos to say that God doesn't want people to have wings and fly like birds, in the near future?

God is about justice, peace, prosperity, deepness, science, health, engineering and all things that bring better beings to people. God will bring better people into Your life, His Angels to come save the lost. Just imagine how much wealth Jesus can bring people of the nations! This is only the tip of whats to come.

God Loves You and Me. All these will come to pass and more. Because Our worlds are now collideing.

Who do You think caused this economic crisis? Me. I'm not trying to brag or anything but a couple days after I told the world My name the stock market crashed (like) 777 points and then it all started to go downhill from there. I knew what kind of repercussion I would have, but I did it to get the worlds attention because God doesn't want any more suffering for Him people. The world is now on FIRE from My double edged swords piercing the sky. I tell You the Truth, I saw God in the sky holding (like) a sickle across His chest and His face was lit up by the Sun, I could see hair too. I pointed up to show a witness that was with Me. Who else can say the same?

So its not going to get better intil God gets His way. Who doesn't agree with what I have to say?



We Love 1

New Member
dont forget 3 6's(666). And also if you take the two digits in your age, subtract them from your total age, and then multiply by 2 you get 36. Im just kidding w/ you bro. So whyd you go to the mental hospital? Did someone have you committed? What did they do to you in the mental hospital, they didnt give you any medication or anything? some lithium perhaps. I dont believe in jesus, and I definitely do not believe you are him. In fact I, as well as any other sane person will tell you you are not. What I mean is, don't you think that perhaps all these people think you are a little cooky for a reason? Dont you think they put you in a hospital for a reason? Do you ever consider that maybe everyone else is right, and that you are not jesus. Just wondering.

I'm going to go off on a tangent for a minute.

Do I have an esoteric story to tell or what? HAHA :lol:

The reason why I said that the anti Christ was We Tarded was because under that time period in My life I doubted Jesus and God because I saw the movie Zietgiest. They really made fun of God and Jesus in the first section of that movie. Those who saw it will know what I'm talking about. So I was sceptical because Jesus hasn't been know to be alive for over ~2000 years and I just didn't understand His words then. But I didn't pick up a Bible back then either, I believe it was better that way too because its not like I was doing these things on purpose. Its just how My life brought Me. I wasn't trying to become be Jesus, but to just have the good morals He had.

HAHA :lol: Anyways, (under the name of We Tarded) what happened was I started to tell people there might not be a Jesus because of the biased information on the movie. For example I was taught Jesus (or Christ) only came once but the evidence supported otherwise. And another thing that was weird was when I had 666 post count on RIU I left it on there for like a day and then three people pointed it out to Me, saying something like "Wow You stopped at 666 posts right after You stopped believing in God". And it was something that really stood out to Me because I was using a name like We Tarded. I remember thinking, wondering if I was the anti Christ because I started to doubt about where I came from (as far as being a evolved mistake or a creation of God) and I wanted others to know that religion was just a big hoax. At that point in time I also planned on taking the gov't out single handedly by revealing all the brainwash and lies. If no one else would do it, than I would do it. I didn't want to have to pay back My IRS taxes so I figured I would take down the IRS.

Anyone hear what I AM saying?

I believe We all died along with Jesus, and now its time to bring heaven down. Who will keep heaven away from GODS CHILDREN?

Do you ever consider that maybe everyone else is right, and that you are not jesus. Just wondering.
No, I AM Jesus. Its just that I've been wearing a crown of thorns lately. Its really sad to see so many people living in bondage/hell. Jesus is a Man of long sorrows, thats just how it had to be, it was Gods plan to humble Himself.

Plus do You guys think You could find a better Jesus? Its like I've already died for You guys so tell Me what I wouldn't give for You? Some of You don't have much faith otherwise You would know what I say is True.

Who else will tell You what Jesus will? No one on TV. My people will know My voice.

Think about the parable with the wineskins. What I meant was that the Soul needs a new body at every NEW AGE. New skin for a born again Soul. So in order for Jesus to come back, I needed a NEW BODY OF CHRIST. Also I'm talking about The Holy Church too.

"In using this illustration, Jesus had in mind the "modern" innovations of the religious leaders of His day as they attempted to mix their new doctrines and traditions with the old wine skin of God's Word.

You guys might not know it, but JESUS is an advanced being from the heavens. The next step in the NEW AGE with God.

I'm waking up and bringing others with Me. Just watch the Christian talk shows and ask Yourself, who knows what Jesus knows right now? Or even the people on TV, who knows what Jesus knows?

So whyd you go to the mental hospital? Did someone have you committed? What did they do to you in the mental hospital, they didnt give you any medication or anything? some lithium perhaps. I dont believe in jesus, and I definitely do not believe you are him. In fact I, as well as any other sane person will tell you you are not. What I mean is, don't you think that perhaps all these people think you are a little cooky for a reason? Dont you think they put you in a hospital for a reason? .

Well (most) everyone is brainwashed because they were programmed by trash. Some people just can't fathom the depths of Gods wisdom. We are just here to explain and teach. We know whats best. We are GODS chosen Ones. If You hear and believe than You are a chosen One.

I'm not perfect, but I might be perfect for the job God (My Dad) wanted Me to have. Do You know what Jesus had to deal with back in the day? People didn't believe Him either and because He was claiming to be the Son of Man and they wanted to kill Him. People didn't love Him much while He was alive. Same here.

But I tell You this, I will soon be taking over the world with My Angels. Get ready because the flood gates of heaven are going to pour out Love for the whole WORLD.

Have You not seen that I AM great? Able to turn this world right side up, right on time. If You doubt then let it be know how You would have treated Jesus back 2000 years ago.

Jesus went to Calvary, but I went to a mental hospital that started with a C. Do You see?

About the mental hospitals. I actually went twice, the first time was for 3 weeks and the second time was 4 weeks. The first time My step mother (a "Roman") sent Me, and the last time was My mom. I guess I'll just talk about it now.

First off, I'm a cool guy. I'm a little sad right now because I want the world to know what I want to give them and how much they have been screwed. Don't You know that God is a jealous God? He lives in Me and works/"mannafeasts" through Us.

Another reason why I feel bad is because I have to bring the world to its knees in order for the system to change. I know the ending, its just a slow process. Everything will be good and everyone will Love God for blessing Us.

Ohh, its a long story. But I had to lose My life in order to find it. I was always in advanced classes, and I have unlimited potential too. I'll talk about how I started to come to My conclusions (about Me being Jesus) in a little bit. I'm going to smoke some Herb now.

Blessed are those that have faith in God.



We Love 1

New Member
Have you no eyes to see?

Have you no ears to hear?

Have you no heart to feel?

Have you no brain to think?

Have I not poured all these things into Your life to wake You up from when You were dead?

Who is on the same page as Me? Everyone will say "We Love Jesus", or "We Love One Jesus", which is Me. And Jesus will bless all with His hands of Love and Creation. Building in the minds of My people just how it will be. Heaven is just Jesus away. Jesus will make all the things needed FREE, like computers, food, clothing, a gym, shelter, water and basic living needs. Those who work harded will be given more but it won't really matter because everyone is going to be filthy rich anyways. The robots will start terraforming other planets for Us, getting them ready to be lived in. It will be like Our race will rappidly advance mentally within a short amout of time. And that will change Our worlds for the better. When is not better for a man to be knowledgeable? The SPACE AGE has arrived with Jesus.

Who can't Jesus provide for? What can't Jesus do? I believe Jesus can do anything! Do You have FAITH the size of a mustard seed?




Well-Known Member
The only reason God exists is because of a lack of understanding of the Earth and space. Greeks invented Gods from their understanding of the world and their perception of perfection . Christians invented God because they had a little bit better understanding of the world and it became popular belief. Since humans were able to express them selfs they attempted to describe what happened around them.

Just because you and a majority of the world believe in a Christian God does that mean that all of the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Aztecs, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans (ect.) were all wrong?????? How do you know you aren't wrong? I'm sure all the above religions/civilizations didn't think they were wrong what makes Christians any different?


Well-Known Member
The only reason God exists is because of a lack of understanding of the Earth and space. Greeks invented Gods from their understanding of the world and their perception of perfection . Christians invented God because they had a little bit better understanding of the world and it became popular belief. Since humans were able to express them selfs they attempted to describe what happened around them.

Just because you and a majority of the world believe in a Christian God does that mean that all of the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Aztecs, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans (ect.) were all wrong?????? How do you know you aren't wrong? I'm sure all the above religions/civilizations didn't think they were wrong what makes Christians any different?
By the way, THE EARTH IS OLDER THAN 5000 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DON'T THINK SO PLEASE EXPLAIN THE DINOSAURS AND WHY THE BIBLE HAS NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT GOD CREATING THEM. (I will give you a hint: the people who wrote the bible didn't know about dinosaurs.) PEOPLE WROTE THE BIBLE AND PEOPLE LIE FOR MONEY!!!!!
