How do you tell if it is indica or sativa???

This might sound dumb but i have no idea how to tell the diff. I have like 4 plants that are from some random seeds I got from my friend....So can anyone fill me in on an easy way to tell....they are 18 days from when the seeds came out of the ground.

thanks =]]]


Normall a sativa will be more long and lanky with thinner leaves. And indica have really wide fan leaves and are most of the time shorter plants with bushier growth. you wont be able to tell for another week or so. and then it being bag seed . it could be a cross so your still guessing anyway. but you can assume the short fatter wide leafs are more inica or afghani


I'd say that those plants in the pics are Indica dominant, they may have some sativa in them but I'd say Indica judging from the pics. Notice the deep serrated edges, and how the leaves are pretty wide for being as short as they are.

Sativa would most likely have thinner leaves with the serration in the leaves being tighter and not as deep or rigid as your plants are showing.

They look healthy, good start. Take care of those little beauties now and you'll greatly appreciate it later.

Peace :)


Active Member
I'd say that those plants in the pics are Indica dominant, they may have some sativa in them but I'd say Indica judging from the pics. Notice the deep serrated edges, and how the leaves are pretty wide for being as short as they are.

Sativa would most likely have thinner leaves with the serration in the leaves being tighter and not as deep or rigid as your plants are showing.

They look healthy, good start. Take care of those little beauties now and you'll greatly appreciate it later.

Peace :)

All perfectly true.

these are my babies

tiny sativa and two fat leaved indica.

just got my first set of 5 leaved branches



Haha, that may be the hardest question anyone has ever asked.

Well do you like smokin indica more or sativa more?? Do you like body highs and dense nugs(indica) or cerebral highs and airy buds(sativa), or maybe a hybrid with traits from both.

Personally I don't care what it is, as long as it keeps to the H's, and those are Healthy Hairy and gets you HIIIIGH.

So if you really want to know whats better Indica or Sativa, you're going to have to ask yourself what you want the end result to be. I think hybrids are the most appealing because they have "the best of both worlds" so to speak. But its up to you, you're the grower. Do some research, look up the pros and cons of each and see what suites you.

Happy growin :)