How do you prepare reverse osmosis water for hydro?

I must be missing something here. You are using hydro and don't know what to do with water?

Not tryin to be a jerk, but you need to do some major research and probably start with some soil.


Well-Known Member
Usually with RO water you'll need to add 200ppm of calmag.

This addition of calmag will generally help to stabalise the pH of the RO so that you don't get massive fluctuations in pH.


Green Troll

Active Member
RO water is super sensitive to PH down, i find, and when i add nutes, it makes it rather acidic. however, a splash of PH up and it stays stable as a rock. Just check your PH before and after adding nutes, and see what the difference is. depending on the nutes, it will probably drop. be sparing trying to get the balance. one drop at a time, add PH up/down and mix well then recheck.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
straight r/o water has no buffers, so checking ph and ppm before adding anything is pointless. always adjust after adding nutes.

Green Troll

Active Member
it is not pointless, it gives you an idea of what difference it makes when adding nutes for future reference (you dont have to do it every time lol), and i always check PH/EC of my RO water to see if the filters are still doing their job or i need to swap them out :)