How do u make butter?


Active Member
I wanna make some brownies cookies and maybe butter for some popcorn to play a joke on someone i know lol...So if u can tell me how much trimmings i need per stick of butter or however its done cuz i have no idea...Have about 60-70gs of dried sugar leaves cover in crystals im gonna use have other trimmings to if i need more there just not as nice thats all...Any info is much appreciated....


3 sticks of unsalted butter, not margarine!
1/2 oz. or more marijuana leaf, less if using buds.
1/2 cup of water.
Large pot for boiling, large bowl,
small bowl, strainer,grinder, cheesecloth
or simply an old pair of pantyhose.

1. Prepare marijuana leaf or bud. You can crush or grind your marijuana leaves using a clean electric coffee grinder for ease, or you can do it by hand with a bud grinder or with your hand. The more the leaf and bud is ground the easier it is for THC extraction.

2. Grab your large pot and add the 3 sticks of unsalted stick butter. Heat on very low stirring occasionally until melted. Don't get stoned and burn it!

3. Once the butter is melted, add your marijuana leaf or bud, and water to the pot. Mix and bring to a slight simmer with the heat still on low and cover.

4. The hardest step in making marijuana butter is that you must wait! The longer you wait with this recipe the better the bud budder.

Let your weed butter mixture simmer for no less than two hours, and no more than 24. Yes patience! If the mixture looks like it could use some more water during the wait time feel free to add a little bit more.

5. After you can't wait any longer, remove the bud butter from heat and let it cool until manageable (about five or ten min). Now pour your fresh marijuana butter through the strainer into your large bowl, this removes the big pieces of marijuana leaf.

6. More extraction for a nice buttery consistency. If you have a cheesecloth handy this step is easy. If your butter is still hot wear rubber gloves. If you do not want to burn yourself. Soak the cheesecloth in the budder, and squeeze into your small bowl used for storage. You can repeat this process to remove more of the marijuana remnants if you feel it is necessary.

If you do not have a cheesecloth then we would recommend using an old pair of pantyhose. Cut the foot off the pantyhose and carefully pour your marijuana butter mixture in and squeeze over your small bowl.

7. Cover your bowl and place it into the refrigerator to cool. The remaining water will separate from the butter. Once cooled you can easily pour off the excess water, and enjoy your fresh marijuana butter.

found here:


Active Member
THANKS ALOT BRO FOR THOSE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS IM GONNA DO IT TOMORROW I WILL HAVE MAYBE 6-7HRS to let the butter cook so it should be good..And thanks again really appreciate it..


Active Member
for butter ive used eqaul part butter to water and used specifically challenge butter with the elk on it its unsalted any butter unsalted will work
use a crockpot on low and let it simmer for idk something like 4 hours. then strain it with hahah pantyhose works

or for brownies you need cooking oil you can put cooking oil and trim in a crockpot and cook it for same amount of time


Active Member
How much butter do we end up with??Ill prob do 6 sticks and a oz of trimmings...In a crock pot too...Prob for 6hrs on tuesday..How bad does it stink to lol..


Interesting that this is my first post but considering I've made butter like this using bud in a crock pot figure I can help out. The smell isn't too bad honestly but keep it a bit discreet. 6 sticks of butter in I'd expect you to get at least 4 back out of good butter. Hope it works out well for you mine was pretty awesome back when I made it :)


Active Member
I just made some butter about 3 weeks ago.. Robs post is accurate if you wanna make it that way. i usually use a crock pot (mainly because i can set it and forget it lmao) on low setting. i use 1 lbs. of butter to every oz of trim and let it cook on low for about 8 hrs. it does stink kinda like moldy spinach that is being boiled if you can think of it that way. But as far as playing a trick the finished butter DOESNT taste all that great i tried eating it on toast and couldnt finish it i had to bake it in brownies to mask the plant taste. So putting it on popcorn would prolly get you stoned as fuck, but as far as tricking someone they are gonna know as soon as they smell it. there are no scent recipes out there but i think they involve acetone and heat which can make your pan catch on fire if not done right. hope that helps


Active Member
No acetone and shit just gonna do butter, my sister got fucked up along with my room mate like 3yrs becuz we tried making hash or something with acetone and they had to go to the hospital becuz they couldnt breath...COOKIES AND BROWNIES AND POPCORN(THIS PERSON WILL MOST LIKLY BE DRUNK)LOL....Thanks again for all the help guys...So tomorrow im gonna use 1lb of butter and my zip of trimming(covered in crystals) and put it in the crock pot on low for 6-8 hrs...Thanks folks ill let u know tomorrow night how it is in my cookies


Active Member
so how did the butter turn out? Im making some now for the 4th I using 3oz of bud and an oz of trim for like 6 sticks in the crockpot. Should be potent


Active Member
Damn bro ur gonna add 3 zips of bud....Just ur trim should be nice..Im doing it on tuesday got busy, have about 3 zips of trimmings for 8 sticks of unsalted margarine..Starting it at 8 am and done at 8 pm then fridge..I wonder how long it will be before its ready...Im gonna make a shit ton of cookies dont really now what else to make..Got any ideas..Would love to make chocolate bars somehow..


Active Member
Whenever I've done it it's been a few hours before it's good to use, I usually make the butter then put it on my toast, cornbread hell everything that calls for butter. My favorite is I grow a bunch of sunflowers and when i bake em to eat i use cannabutter and oil to make em! :) But Id stick with cookies, rasberry bars or somethin like that.

Correction it's a little over 2 zips, with 5 sticks of butter. and I deticated this one plant for butter only. It had many problems took forever and isn't packed with crystals like my others so I figured it'd be good. I have to smoke a blunt of it to get high so why not cook it up.


Active Member
No doubt bro...I smoke a dutch everytime i smoke i dont use bowls or bongs, becuz i always burn myself some how(i know im a retard)but its the truth so i like my dutches and 30-40 minutes of str8 chilling..But im have a nice body buzz off this new stuff half way thru when im dont im right where i need to be(high with body not hurting as bad as normal)...How do u make rasberry bars bro??They sound good...Hey can u use the butter in like Mac&Cheese??lol that would be cool...


Active Member
FUCK I GOT MARGARINE INSTEAD OF BUTTER BECUZ THEY DIDNT HAVE ANY UNSALTED BUTTER AT THE STORE...........................FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...Is there really a difference?????????If so then i need to go back to the store..


Active Member
Im not sure if theirs a difference, Maybe having something to do with fat content because its the fat in the butter the thc sticks too. Or this could be something I thought I heard sometime.... I just get my store brand of unsalted butter, or whatever has the highest fat content.


Active Member
Just went and got 1lbs of unsalted butter(different store)...Gonna put 1.5oz of shake in with the lb of butter but about how much water and how often do i stir it up??????