How do they look ? advise wanted


Active Member
Holygrail.jpgPitbull.jpg The bigger plant pittbull is taking 40-60 ml per gallon of botanicare grow with no signs nitro claw or yellow tips . Is this normal outdoor ? The smaller holy grail should i transplant them now ? I am thinking of burry some 5 gallon buckets with the bottom cut out beings they got a late start . The bigger plant is in 35 gallon with bottom cut out . Also giving some earth juice about once a week and some blast off twice a week . Kinda don't want to spend a ton more on this grow but if anyone has pointers i'd be glad to take them at this point . I do have some fish emulsion but i have only added it twice . should i go more heavy on that too ?


Well-Known Member
I would put them in bigger pots for sure the one in the ground looks great. Hope this helps.

Also, cut your lawn. lol


Well-Known Member
The big one looks great. The smaller ones you should just stick em in the ground. Amend the earth with some cheap organic soil. Thats all the money you really need to spend like 10 bucks max.


Active Member
I put the babies in the ground tonight . My yard is mostly clay so i over dug the holes pretty big and put good soil for about the bottom 16'' then backfilled around plant with some good organic soil and perlight i had unused left over from last indoor grow . It's good stuff . Will a heavy layer of perlight on the serface help deture bugs or do any good to make it worth throwing on there i still have 1/3 of a huge bag laying around ? I was really suprised how good the root structure looked on those little guys . I bet they take off big time now with room to grow and breath .