How do these look


Well-Known Member
I know nothing about growing just started was just wondering how this look, and if any of yall ahve any tips or comments let me know.......... thanks.


Well-Known Member
looks good. I wouldn't have so many in a small area like that. I would of done 1 plant per dixi cup. You wouldn't want to have the roots tangle each other then they will strangle each other. Besides that keep it up. How old are they and what strain? They are a bit stringy. I'd give them support and make sure you have a breeze on them to strengthen them up. How much direct sunlight are they getting?


Well-Known Member
looks like you threw some seeds outside. they look lanky and stretchy, they need a light source - even then, theyre prolly gonna topple over. considering they only have 3 leaves each, they are rather unhealthy - there are often plants that only produce 3 leaves and grow fine, but since yours are young and stretchy as shit i highl doubt its genetics. its obvious the only thing you've spent on them is about 2 minutes planting the seeds. put some effort into your grow, get a light source & nutrients. you wont regret it! :mrgreen:

to the above poster (blueberry), lol im not tryin to seem harsh dude but how can you say that looks good? one of them is already toppled over like a dying alfalfa sprout with 1 tiny set of leaves up top and the rest have stems so thin they can barely stay up? with 3 lil leaflets and 1 node with like a giant gap for an internode.. you cant just be nice by lying, you gotta let ppl know what the problem is. but if you really think this "looks good" then you prolly require advice as well.


Well-Known Member
i was given them, and have no idea how old they are maybe a month. one of them is purple kush i believe. agian i am an amuture, so take it lightly


Well-Known Member
Know what I'd do.. Transplant the plants have the long stringy one a bit deeper into the soil and give them some TLC as you have a good strain on your hands. Now also keep in mind they are a month old and not developing very well. Seems to be getting alot of stress. One problem with that is cause of this all happening the chances of you getting a female in this is slim, but you never know. make sure they are getting direct sunlight for at least 9 hrs of the day if possible.


Well-Known Member
Get them in their own pots with decent soil under adequate lighting. use the right amount of nutes and make sure you check your pH and PPM.


Well-Known Member
transplant the toppled/toppling ones so the stem goes underground enough to where its stabilized itself, each one in a small pot - then later on once they are developing (IF they develop..those things are fucked lookin heh) you can transplant into 3gals.


Well-Known Member
are you growing outside?
is it fall were you live?
you need to pot the plants into there own pots.
i ask is it fall?, because, if so your plants will go straight into 12/12. they need more than 16 hours plus a day, or the plants will go straight into 12/12.
i think it would have been best, maybe if you read up maybe a tiny bit, before you started growing.
stuff like. cycles, how much lite, potting, watering,food, soil without chicken feathers ect... any more up to date pics.
they deffo need potting on and maybe putting under some shop flos for now, untill you learn what your doing.
you not going to get hardly shit if your growing outside, i think that your plants are going into 12/12 already, how old are they, from bagseed. it was bagseed?.

Mob Barely

Active Member
leaves are going mouldy in that pot remove them or it may spread to your plants
if you put them in their own pots and put them indoors they should be just fine