How do I prevent bugs?


I just planted my girls outdoors, they've sprouted but not yet broke ground. I'd like to do EVERYTHING possible to prevent bugs from getting on or to my girls. Since it's the earliest in the grow to add something what do you prefer? What can I add now or in a week/2 weeks? I'm in the deep south of the U.S. and I've heard of some nasty bugs down here.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about bugs down where your at, but up here I usually mix cayenne pepper with water, and spray some on and around my plants, Ive never really had bug problem when doing this.


I don't know about bugs down where your at, but up here I usually mix cayenne pepper with water, and spray some on and around my plants, Ive never really had bug problem when doing this.
Cayenne? On my plants? Really? How early should I spray?


Well-Known Member
As early as you want, It's never caused any harm to my plants before. But I don't think it will deal with all the bugs that are in your area.


Well-Known Member
If you can get diatoemaous earth it will prevent crawlies, deer or bird netting for flyers and chicken wire for critters.