How do I get my flowers to be certified as A+ grade?


Well-Known Member
I feel I have very good product. I am not asking for an ego boost or anything. I am just curious how to know if I am on par with the actual legitimate stuff out there. You know, you guru's personal premium head stash. I would like to up my quality if that is possible. I understand the choice of strain, etc.


Well-Known Member
in a nutshell? well, just try and keep your growing environment for the plants, as sterile/clean as possible; keep temps/humidity levels in check and at safe levels for the plant or plants; when watering your plant(s).. make sure that when you water them, make sure you wait to water them/it again.. until you can see/feel that the top 1/4th layer or so of the soil is completely dried out; top layers of the soil dry first.. and works its way down eventually to the bottom, so once you see that the top 1/8th to 1/4th layers of the soil is completely dried out.. this generally is the best time to water.. and keeps you from having any 'over-watering' problems or 'under-watering' problems; Make sure you feed with nutrients of course.. but don't over-do it; Also, before watering.. make sure you set the pH of the water that your going to water with; Make sure you keep checking the plant both visually and psychically to check for bugs/diseases/mold/etc..

Basically, just do the best you can do for the plant or plants... and they'll reward you the best they can whenever it comes time to harvest.

thats really the only advice I could give for that question.

good luck.



Active Member
"I once smoked weed that was A+. Next thing I knew there was a gerbil up my shit chute and people said I was gax. What a cerebral high and a finish that included a tossed salad."

--R. Gere
You can pay for lab tests that analyze thc content and check for molds. There is not a letter grade certification as far as I know...