How do I get me temperatures up?

My set up is as followed:

4x4x7 tent
1000w HPS cooled by 6" inline fan
6" inline exhaust fan

Right now the fan cooling the light is ran with a speedster and is on the lowest setting. The exhaust fan doesn't have a speedster so it runs on high all the time. My temps stay around 62 degrees fiernheit with the light on. If i got a speedster for my exhaust fan and put it to the lowest setting would that raise temps? Also since the temps are so low with the light on could I just remove the fan that cools my light or will the light get damaged without it being air cooled?


My set up is as followed:

4x4x7 tent
1000w HPS cooled by 6" inline fan
6" inline exhaust fan

Right now the fan cooling the light is ran with a speedster and is on the lowest setting. The exhaust fan doesn't have a speedster so it runs on high all the time. My temps stay around 62 degrees fiernheit with the light on. If i got a speedster for my exhaust fan and put it to the lowest setting would that raise temps? Also since the temps are so low with the light on could I just remove the fan that cools my light or will the light get damaged without it being air cooled?
Where exactly are you taking your temperature readings ?

I have 3 meters in my grow room, 1 on the 'floor', 1 on top of my pots and 1 that i raise with the tops of my plants.

The ones on bottom and top usually register around 3-4° difference (Celcius) and max 5-6°, because im taking in cold/fresh air at the bottom and venting hot/stale air out the top so it matters a lot where u are measuring.


Active Member
im in a tent it would be better to blow more than extract def take the fan off from the light. a 1000wat should get tent temp easy to 85 , again just try blowing (intake freshh air) through tent.
im in a tent it would be better to blow more than extract def take the fan off from the light. a 1000wat should get tent temp easy to 85 , again just try blowing (intake freshh air) through tent.
So are you saying I should take off my exhaust fan and put it on the ground and make it an intake fan?
Where exactly are you taking your temperature readings ?

I have 3 meters in my grow room, 1 on the 'floor', 1 on top of my pots and 1 that i raise with the tops of my plants.

The ones on bottom and top usually register around 3-4° difference (Celcius) and max 5-6°, because im taking in cold/fresh air at the bottom and venting hot/stale air out the top so it matters a lot where u are measuring.
I have two thermometers. One is on the ground of the tent. The other is on the top of the pots. Should I be taking the temp from the top of the tent also?
Just bought some new thermometers and they are reading the same temps as the old thermometers. I hung one from the ceiling. Hope it gets warmer when the lights turn on.


Active Member
what is the canopy temperature? idealy you are looking for 82*F. MJ plants like warm roots...How are your temps so low? Got enough power to run a portable heater? You could remove the ducting from the light and let the bulb heat up the room if you wanted....
what is the canopy temperature? idealy you are looking for 82*F. MJ plants like warm roots...How are your temps so low? Got enough power to run a portable heater? You could remove the ducting from the light and let the bulb heat up the room if you wanted....
I already removed the ducting and I am using the light to heat up the room. I dont know why it is so cold. The grow is in a basement and the basement stays around 60 degrees all day. I turned down my exhaust fan also. Temps still dont go past 65 degrees.


Active Member
strange MMU, I would suggest a portable heater if you can pull the current. Most are 1500w max but can be adjusted..You must be in a cold area of the world and your insulation you have a fresh intake coming in? I'm pretty sure a 1000w hps would increase temps +10..


Well-Known Member
i noticed you have a room temp of 60 degrees,i have had same problem.insulate grow tent,then 1000 watter will provide plenty of warmth.better than having to add additional heat with spaceheater etc. with insulated tent you may even have to run your cooling fan .goodluck fellow toker


Well-Known Member
Thanks. How do i insulate my tent? The room Im growing in stays around 60 degrees.
just a suggestion ,but i used that foam insulation board it comes in 4x8 sheets fairly inexspensive,comes in different r ratings and is easy to work with.i had to basically line the inside of my tent with it but you could probably put it around the outside of yours if you wish ,goodluck fellow grower.