How deep?


Well-Known Member
I know its probibly been stated but.. how deep do most of you guys keep ur res'?

I heard u wanna keep the water level on the lower side to let the roots search for water.

I keep mine about 50-75% full.
u guys?

:leaf: Purpz


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man just monitor ur nutes...I typically leave mine about 3/4 but dont top off usually for 3 or 4 days.. Heat issues can cause the water to evaporate quickly leaving the nute levels high just be carefull... I think its best to run low.


Well-Known Member
Dropping you're water level from 75% to 50% increases your oxygen levels....the less water you have the more oxygen, with the same amount of air stones that is.....


Well-Known Member
Yea purps this is good if i could id put 10 pumps and stones in each tub..Not really neccesary tho if u play with ur water levels. The more air the more food ur plants are going to eat.. THe bubbles will pop and distribute solution to the top roots...U dont really want the top roots submerged either way Actually the top 3rd of the roots use more air than anything..Drowning them will lead to failure,slow and poor growth and sometimes root rot. U should try to keep ur res as cool as possible im going to start trying to get my as close to 70 degrees as possible...I do this by placing frozen water bottles in my res.. its very simple.. this will bring u great results.


Well-Known Member
hmm... that sounds good.... my res water shouldnt be that warm. the room stays in 71*-72* degrees 100% of the time. plus i'm using CFL's. I'm gunna test it. so the less water the better right?

:leaf: Purpz


Well-Known Member
The cooler the res and the more air stones u place in the tub the more ur plants are going to eat and actually absorb the food ur feeding... Just like the poster posted previously...The lower the water in the tub the more oxygen will be present bro..
Its all about control, thats the best thing about hydro u can completely control every aspect of ur grow.. Low res temps combined with more air and lower water levels in dwc is going to force ur plants to eat the food ur feeding.
Why havent u gotten a least one of those 20 dollar econolights man?
This is going to pay dividends when u harvest man. I promise u.


Well-Known Member
econo lights? UVB bulbs? i was planning on purchasing some when the buds get bigger.. or should i get them now? I'll post pics of her when i get up in the AM, it will be week 2 of flowering. the plant looks great.

:leaf: Purpz


Well-Known Member
Search econolights in ur main browser bro im sure its going to be at the top by now...
Its insane i know but its true...
Check out the 150 watt club as well alot of these guys are using them.