How deep can I transplant my plant?


Well-Known Member
How deep should I transplant an old marijuana plant?

I put a seedling in my compost in the summer and it is still just getting around to flowering. I figure that means 8 weeks till harvest, which means a 100% chance of Frost before maturation.
I pulled the plant indoors put it under a 1000W HPS, in a 5 gal. pail of soil. I planted it above the root zone by about 8 inches. I know tomato's can root on their stalks so it is ok to plant marijuana so deep, is the same true for marijuana as tomato's (root on their stalks)?

I planted deep cause I wanted to slant the plant for stability and light exposure. However, I'd hate the marijuana plant to die, so I am checking my assumptions.

Any help much appreciated.

PS The plant is small and the bucket is way large for the roots needs, the lighting may be just about right with the amount of veg that is on top. ( I am a newbie to this, is the height from the plant to the bulb OK?) I am also frugal so if anyone has any home made soil mix recipies I am all ears. ie %peat moss, %top soil, %compost. I do hope to feed it some compost tea, although I haven't heard about the effect of compost tea on indoor plants.
I attached a pic/~1000 words.