How dark should the room be kept while lights are off?


Active Member
I'm curious what is considered dark enough for the night cycle of cannabis life?

My room is completely dark with the exception of a few LED's that are on various power buttons for fans and power strips. Will these small LED's be enough to cause light issues? Even with those in the room I still can barely make out my at an arms length.

I was figuring that if marijuana was growing outside, even at night there's still moonlight that would give some kind of light so a few LED's couldn't hurt anything right? The leds are green, red, and orange.

I had one friend who grew some bud, and it came out very seeded (even though plant was diagnosed female early on in flowering, and was only plant in room) and very light fluffy buds that weren't very potent, and looking back he thinks it's because he had light leaks in his room. Which brings me to wonder how much light is too much?

Any input would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Dark means dark. No exceptions. I've heard you can tend to your plants with a green light if need be, but it's not worth risking imho. If you have an LED on a fan or something, I wouldn't worry about that (think of it as moonlight), but it should be as close to darkness (Wesley Snipes) as possible. Good luck!