How close to put a 125 watt CFL (equivalent) to seedlings? ALOHA


Well-Known Member
I've got a bed of greenhouse seeds and I was wondering how far my light should be from them; it's a 125 watt CFL (equivalent). I had the light like a foot (12") away and the seedlings' stem is 1.75". Thanks for all of the help guys/women. Aloha.


Active Member
hey man
i have a couple seedlings in my cfl grow right now and i think i have the same bulb as you, the 6500K one for the veg. state... i have it about 2.5" away and the little ones are about a 1.25 inches tall.
seems to work so far, and i've seen plenty of members on here recommend that you keep your florescent's "just a couple inches away"
you may want to consider getting some more lighting though to get them growing in high gear! =]


Well-Known Member
put it just out of the uncomfortable heat range put your hand under it to determine that range. but for a flouro it should be 2 to 6 inches


Well-Known Member
You guys are the best. Frick. I had this same problem with the last try. Once I get 'om started though, psshhh. I guys I'm just scared to put it that close to ma babies. I'll harden up for you guys -- for all of us. Thanks again. Aloha.