How can this site exist?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ha ha im a dump fuck. I changed the link to it now it should work. You might have to edit the link in yours.


Well-Known Member
Im not trying to scare anyone but things are not as secure as we think. Its the net who knows?


Well-Known Member
and they dont know if those are pictures from ten years ago are what.Just because you show a picture . it could be a picture of somebody elses shit, and your just showing pictures.that doesnt mean its your shit.


New Member
That site was crazy scary. I click and it had my town were I was and even a map to get there. I have not posted any pictures(although I want to) because I am worried it will work against me.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have been a member here for a few weeks. This is a really cool site and has provided me with a lot of info. What I don't understand is that how can a site about "How to grow illegal drugs" exist and people not be busted. I mean there are threads about someones "60 plant grow setup." That is something you don't post on the internet. I guarentee law enforcement knows about this site. This is publicly accessable so why do you feel so safe posting on it. Are you all from countries other than America? Also why isin't the server shut down? I post on this site via various wireless network access points and proxies...
There are 30,000 members, one hell of a police opperation if you ask me. Do you think they could bust everyone in a year, more like ten years.


Well-Known Member
There are some stupid kids who post pictures of plants growing in their closet on myspace.
There is a group on myspace where the members trade seeds for psychoactive plants, not cannabis seeds though. I know because I started it. Everyone trades seeds and live plants, but we all make sure it is legal before we mail something. I have traded with people from the UK and I live in the US.


Well-Known Member
I really wouldn't be to worried unless your huge. But it can happen thats what Im trying to say. Who the fuck knows. They would have to hack the server here to get your IP. So don't sweat it. I never post any pics of what I do as much as would like to but thats me. Cops don't give a shit for the little guy they want the big fish. So I wouldn't stress over it and yes this is a totaly cool site with some very smart people on it.


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling that the prisons are overflowing, there are meth epidemics I bet there are even forums for meth, your got terrorists everywhere cocaine smuggling crack manufacturing and extasy running rampent destroying people spines, they will never go nuts on small time personal growers of cannabis, specially now when the good people of the medical marijuana users community can help us and cry out "oppression" for all to hear and see,

if anything they will target the seed suppliers and huge op's but too much to chew off for them specially when the prisons are chock full and they let peeps out early on the regular

in my area everyone will just make a deal with the DA cuz they have way to many cases to try and only concetrate on the important ones,

be smart and under the rader and you cool i think. until they have some speciel expansion of the war on cannabis, I think the flies and ants are over taking the giant:mrgreen:

legalization is coming, remember butt sex is still illigal but I still be doing it to da hoes somtimes,:hump: so things dont ness have to be legal, the people majority decides, the more the middle class does a drug the less punishment they will have for it, look at crack vs cocain punishments, and from what I see the generation x'ers are in thier 30's now and the y's are in thier 20's we have children we are the people and we the people the x's & y's are the new rule, not an acception, our "rulers" are former hippies.,

10 years give it 10 years and cannabis will be a slap on the wirsts frowned upon but tolerated.

good luck and grow hard never relent the oppressers are not the enforcers the enforcers are tired of arresting thier freinds and niebors, try the criminals they arrest rather than waste thier time forcing them to arrest us, form alliences with the police who are tired of these shitty cannabis laws and enforcing them. do not lot us in with criminals and never mention an crime if you want to represent the legal use of cannabis, we are not criminals or freinds with criminals is the "official" stand for us. dont allow them to paint us as anything but citizens who oppose unjust subversion of freedom.

the police are one of the main people we need on our side, never forget this and treat them with respect.


Well-Known Member
Wow I find that hard to believe people getting pinched for smoking pot in a picture? How could they prove it was pot unless he had a ounce in plain view? Is a judge going to say ya i think its pot to? There is know way that would stand up in court unless they got the kids to admit it. I don't think so. I do agree some people are very brave in posting on this website and its not real hard to trace back your IP address as every computer has one. Well also we are all parents on here trying to catch our kids.......LOL
thats why i use privoxy and tor check it out!!!


Master of Mayhem
Man all I know is if the cocksucking pOlice want to come kick my door in because I post on a marijuana growing forum...let them. I don't grow shit anyways:lol: I would laugh in their fucking pig faces because they would have wasted all that time and effort on busting me, when after it's all said and done they MIGHT find a half O in my apartment.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You have to have a legtimate permit from a doctor to grow medical I assume. Thats how you justify it I guess. I don't see threads on here about selling as that would be dumb. In my state medical is not allowed and it is decently strict on marijuana.

I am just growing a few plants for personal consumption. Selling drugs is stupid and not worth it. To me its more about the fun of doing it myself. Although it is illegal to do..
Well if ever i heard an antipot warrior talking it was you.
As to how we justify it gimp when you die you will have to justify how and why you advocated the removal of our god given free will to god.
The free will that it is clearly stated that only the devil can take away from us.
Hopefully you'll get run over by a bus or something and then reincarnated as my next meal:twisted:


Active Member
Hate to break it to you dude,but it's called the freedom of expression.Just because we're talking about it,doesn't mean that any cops could without a doubt prove that any of us are growing.I'm not about to say my fucking home address or anything on here.It's inevitable that people are going to grow,whether or not people are talking about it on a website.You can't shut a server down because someone is talking about something thats not legal.
I have to disagree with you on this one here in New York state If i were being watched and my phone was being taped and I spoke of buying and selling Crack or anything I could be charged with conspiracy the degree depends on how much i was talking about moving. This is a fucked up rap thats hard to beat.