how can i stop my plant from growing vertically?


Ok, i have a few questions that i need answering asap.

First i have a plant thats 7 feet tall, it is growing way to fast and it only has a foot of space left to grow upwards, it was just put on 12/12 so it still will grow a shit load. How can i make the plant grow slower or bushier?

My second problem is that the plant is that we toped the plant and now the top has started growing arms off the two main stems, it has gotten so top heavy it needs to be suported, should i just keep giving it some good nitrogen fertz or can i give it something else? I really dont want to the stem to break ..


Well-Known Member
Bushmatser works great by Humbolt. I don't use it and never have but do have close friend that i see every day that did and saw it work for my self.
That being said i dont use any additives all crap IMO.
And there a thread i read recently on here that humbolts products have carcinogens in them or some crazy crap like that.
Your other choice would be L.S.T ;)


Well-Known Member
I have sometimes just bent the stem letting gravity pull the cola down. Just squeeze the stem between two fingers first to prevent it from snapping. Leaf will turn towards the light and bud will keep growing big.


Well-Known Member
First off you should count your blessings for doing a fine job of growing a tree. The bigger the plant the bigger the yield (hopefully). Second, why did you let it get so big before you flipped it? That's a rhetorical question meant to stimulate you to think ahead next time. Personally I don't care and you just want an answer to your question so we'll just drop it and move on to that. There are a shitload of ways to overcome height issues and you probably allready know them but low stress training or lst has been mentioned. Supercropping, topping, probably a half dozen others. I don't think there is a magic bullet for not thinking ahead. Now you have a problem that was self inflicted so suck it up and pick a solution.


It got so big because I'm growing with a friend and I went away for a week and my friend was going to put it on 12/12, a couple days after i left because i rotated the plant so some arms would grow evenly but he forgot or was to lazy, most likely to lazy. If i was their it wouldn't of happened. Anyway I was thinking of bending it so it would grow sideways and let the arms grow out and rotate the bucket every week. I also stopped giving it, regular nitrogen rich fertilizer and switched to my new flowering fertz, and this seems to of slowed down its growth enough. I have another question, to if anyone could answer them...
I have had the lights on 12/12 for about a week now and there is no sign of male or female, although through out the whole growth there has been little greenish white tiny leafs sticking out between nodes are these hairs or balls or just nothing to do with the plants sex?

Also what is "1st" or Supercroping? Its already been topped once.

And this has been my first indoor grow and I'm shocked with the results, the strain I got was bag seeds from this stuff called "Durka" and so far its grown amazing!!


Well-Known Member
Tie down the main stalk as far as you can without danger of breaking it. If you are just starting flower it'll grow quite a bit more. Keeps the height down and encourages multiple tops