How big of a dehumidifier?


Active Member
8x8x8 sealed flower room. Doing aeroponic w/ white widow. 2k watts air cooled
No AC, temps are about 70 low 83 high.
Co2 at 1500 ppm during light.
Humidity about 52-62%.
From what I understand, that humidity is a bit too high.

How big of a dehumidifier do I need? How often will I need to empty the res?
How do you calculate how much water it'll pull out per day?
How much is is going to raise my temps?
What % humidity does white widow prefer?

Thanks in advance!

benny blanco

Active Member
For a sealed room with no dehumidifer your rh is pretty good. I would think it should be in the 80s. Get at least a 50 pint dehumidifier


Active Member
Thanks for the quick response. The RH is low because there's only ONE soil plant (was given to me and it's a room tester before I put my WW in there) in there right now, and there will be 20-40 aero in there later which = more water and I'd assume higher humidity. So that's prob why it's still low.

Will a 50 pint dehumid. raise my temps too much for that room to where I'd need an AC, or do you think it'll only do like 5 degreesish, which would still keep it high 80's, which I understand is ok as long as there is good co2.
If I set it on say...45%...and my room is normally at say....70% when loaded with long will it take to pull out 50 pints of water taking out that 25%?


Well-Known Member
Once you load her up you're going to have major RH isuues. I would go with a 70+ pint. I easily pull 5 gallons of water a day out of my space which is 4 x 12' and yes, your dehuey will create enough heat to require an AC. You could just get an AC, run your lights hot enough to keep it on all day. This will remove your moisture but when the lights go out and the heat is removed, you would need another plan like venting.

CEA is an awsome way to go but it is a balancing act and does ad a level of complexity that I could live without.
62 percent is way to high in flower. I think even most really fluffy sativas will mold in that kinda humidity.. and it also depends on bud density.. ive had plenty of humidity and mold problems growing in a depends on bud density and other factors how mildew spreads, My hydro shop dude sais typically anytihng over 55 percent humidity will get good chances of mold.. and some varietys mold at 50.. im hoping to keep mine 40 or a little lower this whole grow. Im just doing one small plant to keep on learning.. Typically ive grown a realy bushy little plant wall to wall in the cabinet and it was like a swamp in there. and once mildew starts its either get ur humidity down or prepare to hvae ur plant get really fucked up if not totaled.. its my understanding you can trim the powdery mildew away but u really dont wanna smoke it if its got a good amount of visible mildew on there. Ive butane hashed a few of my powdery mildew plants that only had little bits of mildew. it didnt hurt me so far but.. then again im brave and time will tell.. most people reccomend throwing away any plant thats got anything more then just a few specks of pm and u can usually visually see how bad it is just look for the white powder.. and YES if your buds are fluffy it will get on the inside of them. if ur buds are dense itll coat the outside and all the sugar leaves and be really tough to trim away it sucks.. seems like the only way to really handle humidity is a dehumidifier huh? and in some climates for people a humidifier is needed so there plants dont try out in a piece of hay..2 things ive been a real cowboy on with growing.. A humidity and having way to bushy of plant inside of a little cabinet.. B.. haivng my plant to close to the bulb. and haivng top buds grow funky and uglier then and learn now im making sure my humiditys not to high. the flowers arent to close to the hps .and yea this is totally off topic but if any of u guys have spidermite problems i reccomend a neem concentrate called azamax from general hydro.. it not only smacks the shit out of my mites but also prevents