How bad is this problem/ what to do


Well-Known Member
Alright guys and gals. Heres the dilemma. A majority of my leaves are starting to either yellow hard core or completely die and fall off. My plant has been flowering for about four weeks so I think a little bit of the yellowing and dying of leaves is natural because the nutrients are going to the buds. Is that a correct assumption? But, I am thinking that too many leaves are dying. Any ideas, suggestions, or helpful hints?


Well-Known Member
one of mine is similar, turning yellow like 1 1/2 weeks in flowering, im gonna re-pot it and see if that helps


Well-Known Member
as soon as mine started flowering it lost a few leaves and started yellowing, but now there are more leaves that have died that there are on the plant. a little worried.


Well-Known Member
I just used a little bit of miracle grow. . . But its been slow and steady... no major problems until now. Couldn't afford any good nutes off the internet and now good flower shops around here. :( The flowering is going great. Looks like i'm going to get a couple ounces and its my first grow.


Well-Known Member
No probs, I have the same thing on one of my plants, started in week 3. It's week 5 now and it's still doing alright!!


Well-Known Member
yea that is a prob. the lower leaves normally start to get drained of there green color since the nutes are being used more by the buds n sugar leaves, having mostly depleted foliage means its starving for nutes, miracle grow probably isnt cutting it, look into nutes you can use that are in everyday stuff in your kitchen or cheap nutes at walmart.