how are you supposed to flush soil plants in a grow tent??


Well-Known Member
Yo, this might seem a stupid question but how can you properley flush soil pots in a tent? The water will just go everywhere and make a right mess...surely there is an easy and clean way to do this without having to remove the plants from the tent and fucking up their light cycle? The nearest I get to actually flushing mine is just watering with plain phd water and the water will sit in the saucer under the pot and be reabsorbed by the plant anyway, so not really flushing at all is it...


Well-Known Member
There is no need to flush, especially not plants grown in soil.
Actually there's 2 main reasons you would want to flush in soil.

1: If your plants are getting "burned" by too much fertilizer in the soil.
2: At the end of the plants life cycle you want to remove all traces of artificial fertilizer so your bud doesn't taste like it.

That being said, there's really no way to do it without removing it from the tent. You're kind of going to have to bite the bullet on this one unless you like water all over your tent.


Well-Known Member
Put some big container under pot, in a way so the real pot doesn't touch the bottom one ( use legos or anything you have at hand lol )
Flushing is neccesary unless you want to smoke fertilizer...


Well-Known Member
I lift my pots into a dish bowl, then give a HUGE watering 1 week before chop then just clean water until chop.. Flushing is imperative, unless you want your smoke to 'snap crackle and pop'.


always water without nutes before harvest unless you want that "good shit" all up in your lungs haha that would be good for you :roll:

Get rectangular black greenhouse trays, milk crates and a little wedge for one side to prop it up so water flows to one side.

On the lower side make holes and get a bucket to put under the holes.


Active Member
If you cant take the plant to a sink or tub, you could use a large Rubbermaid storage bin.

That's why I love Ca, I can do it outside under the sun :weed:


Well-Known Member
If you got enough room in the tent for a 5-gallon bucket you can flush fine. I took a rack from my oven and used it as a screen
on top of the bucket. Flush your plant and the water runs into the bucket. Pretty simple.



Well-Known Member
Thats a pretty good idea steve, il probs try that. Gona be a nightmare trying to do it with my adjustawing above me lol, there aint much room to play with!


Active Member
Don't listen to idiot who said no need to flush in soil..Only reason you would need to flush is if you dont use nutrients, you need to flush them out. I flush my soil plant with xnutrients flushing solution.. You should look into it


Well-Known Member
I would just water with no nutes and don't over water at that as the plant does not use much water at the end of its life cycle.


New Member
I lift my pots into a dish bowl, then give a HUGE watering 1 week before chop then just clean water until chop.. Flushing is imperative, unless you want your smoke to 'snap crackle and pop'.
Try drying properly might be a good start to stop the snap crackle and pop :))


Well-Known Member
Water normally with water for last two weeks. You should always have a bit of run off unless just the top of soil is dry, then you only give them the amount they need.
I use the flushing solution at 2xstrenght. Its pretty weak imo. use it once during the last week. Most manufactures are doubling strenght.
I grow in a soilless mix so the salts are easy to flush out.