How are you measuring your pH?


Active Member
I know "how" and I know the different types of systems...but what do you use, model and all?

I've read people getting it 6.25 and similar but I don't understand how. My up/down kit came with a little tiny chart but they only go by whole steps, not .25 or .5 steps. The pens i've heard are no accurate even with buffer and calibration solution. I don't want to spend 50 bucks on a system but i'd like to get my setup under the most control I can for ~30 or 35 bucks. Most preferably off amazon as I have a gift card.


Well-Known Member
I use a Milwaukee PH pen. 20-30$. I keep the pen in a storing solution. And I have a calibration liquid that is reusable. Total cost was about 50$ But I get the exact results I want. I also as a backup have PH drops which are very nice as well, very cheap too.

1. Pour water into a 1 gallon container.
2. Mix in nutrients.
3. Check PH of water.
4. Add PH up, generally 1 tablespoon brings the water up from 5.6 to 6.3 (I know my water is usually in the mid 5's after I add nutrients). It all depends on how strong my nutrient mixture is. IF I don't add nutrients then I have to PH down my water with about 1/8th teaspoon of PH down to bring it from 7.4 to 6.3.
5. Re-check PH to ensure it is correct if I feel unsure about anything.


Active Member
Cool, is there a best type of storage and calibration solution? I want to be confident in the readings...


Well-Known Member
It depends on the PH pen you have. Each brand has it's own solution. Check with your local hydroponics store, they will know.


Active Member
Sadly, I don't have one within 70 miles. Amazon mathes the Milwaukee pH 7.0 solution with the Milwaukee 600 AQ. Would this be correct or would I need the 4.01? Also would I just get the matching (7.0) storage solution?


Active Member
Alright cool, I missed where they suggested the GH 7.0 calibration solution, surely that will work? Thanks for all the help.


Well-Known Member
I just use the red PH liquid... I have a PEN but like the basic approach more.. If the sample turns 'Piss-Yellow' we're all good :) - STELTHY :leaf:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I use the 7.0 calibration solution. or that Milwaukee pen, try calling around to some of the higher end Aquarium Shops. Any good aquarium shop should carry a pH pen, and around here the Milwaukee seems to be the pen of choice. I got mine for $40. BTW, you in soil or going Hydro?