How are my plants doing?!


Well-Known Member
They are looking very good. Good to hear you got them in fox farm soil now. MG is no friend to MJ.

How long do you plan to veg them for?


im not exactly sure.. im sure that their growth has been stunted due to poor soil and poor nutes considering i dont really know how much to usee.. but i plan on vegging them till they couple ft tall.


Well-Known Member
im not exactly sure.. im sure that their growth has been stunted due to poor soil and poor nutes considering i dont really know how much to usee.. but i plan on vegging them till they couple ft tall.
becareful ,plants can double in size when flowering


Well-Known Member
They are looking very good. Good to hear you got them in fox farm soil now. MG is no friend to MJ.

That statement is absolutely baseless. I grow in MG soil as do many other people. Rather than blame a top soil for plant problems, we should focus on the true cause of plant problems..... people....

There is a thread ongoing with side by comparisson grows with Fox Farms and MG.... Not only is MG producing healthier and bigger plants, they have never been burned because the grower knew NOT to add any supplements or other nutes for the first 6-8 weeks of growth. When using MG soil, you only begin feeding when the plant tells you it lacks nitrogen. Any sooner and you will burn them. I have several MG grows under my belt and 5 lovely ladies flowering now in MG soil. The colas are huge....

MG soil ROCKS and it has been proven to beat FFOF...

Here are some "no friends of Miracle Grow" LOL...


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm telling you after a few weeks of veg they will start rapidly growing, then in flowering they will almost double if not triple in size.


Well-Known Member
They are looking very good. Good to hear you got them in fox farm soil now. MG is no friend to MJ.



That statement is absolutely baseless. I grow in MG soil as do many other people. Rather than blame a top soil for plant problems, we should focus on the true cause of plant problems..... people....

There is a thread ongoing with side by comparisson grows with Fox Farms and MG.... Not only is MG producing healthier and bigger plants, they have never been burned because the grower knew NOT to add any supplements or other nutes for the first 6-8 weeks of growth. When using MG soil, you only begin feeding when the plant tells you it lacks nitrogen. Any sooner and you will burn them. I have several MG grows under my belt and 5 lovely ladies flowering now in MG soil. The colas are huge....

MG soil ROCKS and it has been proven to beat FFOF...

Here are some "no friends of Miracle Grow" LOL...

Well, it is true for some people, because most beginners will use MG and not know what they are doing, and the results are usually ugly. MG might work for you, that's great, but I like knowing the exact nutrients my plants are getting. Letting it up to the soil doesn't make sense to me.

thanks for the caps btw.


Well-Known Member
Here is solid proof that you are wrong, sorry... <<-- link

FF is just as hot as MG. To go around and make statements that MG is no friend of MJ is just your opinion, it is certainly far from fact as has been proven in my grows and many others. If you are truly interested in learning something new Kudaross, go check out that thread on the MG/FF grow.... It surprised a lot of people, however not me. I see MG results EVERY day.



so their growth will continue to acceleratte? thats exciting to hear. can anyone shed some light on my nutes cituation. i konw the directions on the package say: everywatering 1 tsp per gallon, heavy feeding 2-3 tsp, foliar feeding .5-1 tsp. so which should i be using for my little plants. and as far as measurements. how many gallons should i need for my 7 plants. and like do i mix it all in one cup and just equally distrubute it to each plant. idk. it just all seems confusing to me? maybe a dumb question
thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Dude I don't care lol, it's not like I use FF soil either, I make my own basic dirt with no nutrients in it. That's awesome that MG works for people though. Everyone has their own way of growing.

Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Dude I don't care lol, it's not like I use FF soil either, I make my own basic dirt with no nutrients in it. That's awesome that MG works for people though. Everyone has their own way of growing.

Happy growing.
I wasn't picking on you, I just hate to see people make baseless claims about Miracle Grow. It is obvious proof that they don't know what they are talking about out of personal experience, they are just repeating something they heard someone else say.....

Since you really don't know, you should probably quit saying it.....

FFOF is overprices and not everyone has a retailer nearby that carries it. MG is a great alternative and it does wonders on high feeders like MJ and tomatoes. MG didn't burn his plants, he did....


Well-Known Member
Chan, just follow the directions on the nutes. Usually you mix them in with a gallon of water. Just make sure you add them to water, not add water to the nutes.

I wasn't picking on you, I just hate to see people make baseless claims about Miracle Grow. It is obvious proof that they don't know what they are talking about out of personal experience, they are just repeating something they heard someone else say.....

Since you really don't know, you should probably quit saying it.....

FFOF is overprices and not everyone has a retailer nearby that carries it. MG is a great alternative and it does wonders on high feeders like MJ and tomatoes. MG didn't burn his plants, he did....
You have a good point, and I must admit I'm happy i've learned something. When i first started growing I too couldn't find soil, as all the stores around me just had miracle gro. It's good to know that it actually can work, because like you said FF is over priced and not everyone can get it.


View attachment 1297777View attachment 1297776Hey guys just another update.View attachment 1297774..and somethin wierd is going on.. my oldest plant is gettin nice and bushyy.. but my second oldest is growing up and spreading outt.. and is alView attachment 1297771so growing pistils? should this be happening when im still in veg. i had heard that it just meant they are sexually maturee.. but does this meanView attachment 1297772 i need to put her in flowering? i dont think i can cause the other 3 arent readyy..idk just lookin for a lil feedbackk..

thanks in advance:bigjoint:

View attachment 1297773 Sorry bout all the fucked up picss.. shit. also i figured id mention i have been having problems with magnesium deficiencies.. i looked it up and my grow big fertilizer includes mag. guess i better start using it!shitttt


Also its winter where im living.. so the air is very can i keep my humidity up in my closett!? i dont have a