Hot, Hot, Hot


Active Member
WEll this is the 7th day of over 100 degrees and no relief in site. My plant is outside and is starting to get yellow tips and some leaves are starting to curl up and turning brown.

I keep it covered during the hottest part of the day, it gets morning sun for about 2 hours where I have it planted and then again from 11 am to 2 pm and thats when I cover it up. I am keeping the ground moist and mist it to keep everything moist around it. Anyting else I cando to help it out during the HOT weather, it is suppose to be like this for at least another week, ove 100 during the day and about 80 at night.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Mem....

I would be careful misting your plant during the middle of the day... You don't want water on the leaves when the sun is directly on your plant...

sorry about the heat :(




Active Member
I dont mist it during the day, late evening and early morning, another hot dy today, its now 104 with heat index 110, Damn I hate this.


Well-Known Member
ya man my indoor...i have the same problems bro. from what i learned is dont flower in the summer time :) LOW yeild but still good bud :)... my babies are dieing 1 by one i started with 6 down to 3 i will be taking clones