hortilux 2 years old still booming


what is the truth about how long u should go before changing bulbs ... i bought 3 new hps 1000s .. i just swithed them to these bull shit ultra suns n its been 2 weeks dont see lick of diff... found other posts about 2 year old hortilux bulbs out pro others also... if you got to hortiluxes web site it says bulbs get brighter as they age they just start losing certain spectrums... what is the deal im about to throw em back n till they fry lol


Well-Known Member
Well I can't remember ever hearing that HPS bulbs get brighter as they age, quite the opposite in fact as I've always heard they loose their lumen maintenance and spectrum as they age. If you have one use a light meeter and compare the brightness of the bulbs, I'd be surprised if a 2yr old hortilux bulb was brighter than a bran new bulb, however I imagine there are some really crappy/cheap HPS bulbs on the market.