Horticulture Source scary review found.... WARNING!


Well-Known Member
Found this on another forum a few minutes ago. I have ordered with them in the past, but just to be safe won't be ordering again.

Here is the post, sorry I don't remember how to post properly anymore otherwise I would have done better:

"VERY UNFORTUNATE!!! Stop buying from Horti Sorce NOW!
Starting today if you shop @ Horti Sorce your information WILL be sent to law enforcement!
Just heard the news bout Horti Sorce =(/ my ex-favorite store has been under investigation for conspiracy to manufacture marijuana.
I guess they were knowingly selling marijuana grow equipment to people.
Word is they are "cooperating with officials", which means your name, address, and all your order info is in the hands of big brother as soon as you hit enter. Not worth saving a dollar to spend years in prison."