ok dude...
you will need : herb, seasoning shaker, 2 coffee filters, 2 bowls and a 8-0z can of butaine
1) take your seasoning shaker (SS) ( like the little 2 for a $1 garlic powder or dried onions you use to cook with they are about 3 or 4 inches tall and cylinder shaped ya know). unscrew the cover take the little plastic piece with the holes that let the seasoning through off, you can throw that away. take the top that you swrewed off and make 5 holes in it about the same size as a toothpick. on the other side of the SS poke one hole in the middle a slight bit bigger (not much)... your finished modifying that part...
2)grind your herb up as fine as you can..( i use a blender) and put it into the SS.... fill it up about 3/4 of the way.. (you can judge how much to grind by the size of the shaker).....
3) take your 2 coffee filters place them over the top part where the cap screws on. then screw the cap on over the filters (it will seal and hold the filters in place) then you can trim the excess filter around the cap...
4) get your bowls ready... one big bowl and one smaller bowl (about the size of a cereal bowl, DON'T USE PLASTIC OR WOOD) put the big bowl next to the sink and trun your hot water on to let it run and start to get hot. get your small bowl, butaine and shaker and go outside...
5) once you are outside where the fumes won't choke you down (they are a bit powerful!!! AND FLAMABLE!!!! DO NOT SMOKE!!!!!) take your shaker and with the one hole up, put it directly over your bowl and insert the butaine nozzle into the hole and press to drain the entire can through your shaker and into the bowl. (watch the fumes!!! hold it far away as possable). once the shaker stops dripping and your liquid is in your bowl. you can bring it inside ( make sure you don't go near any open flames!)
6) take your big bowl fill it about half way with hot water.. then take your smaller bowl and put it about 1 inch below the water line (as to just heat the bottom of the little bowl... (do not get any water inside your little bowl as you will have a hellova time extracting that from your product)... anyway.... when you warm the bottom of the little bowl with the hot water the butain will start to bubble and evaporate. this is good..... let it evaporate till it is all gone....
Now you have the stronest form of hash that can be made honey hash oil..
be careful.. this shit will knock your dick in the dirt.