Homemade vaporizer (sent by son of chong)


Well-Known Member
Homemade vaporizer

I made a cheap vapo a few year back from a cheap 40w soldering iron, a small brass disk, a glass vase type thing, and a plastic chopping board lucky i got some photos here it worked well untill i recived an offer i couldent refuse from my dealer lol,

here's the pic's

i just made two holes in the board one for a tube another for the iron,

i just waited for a bit of mist before turning off the iron.

yes it was i good one i had to make this as i needed to pass weekly no smoking tests for carbon dioxide in my blood it worked a treat as i passed every one.



This is an awesome idea. sure beats buying one. how long did it take to heat the plate up on the iron?
While I have not made this exact one, I made a similar one recently using PVC as the base, and a brass cap as the bowl. It takes mine a good 5 minutes if not more to heat up. But you have to be very careful. There's a fine line between vaping it and incinerating it. I plug my soldering iron into a lamp dimmer and have tried to calibrate it using a digital thermometer probe on the brass cap and marking the slide on the dimmer with a sharpie marker. It works ok. Even when it does get hot enough to combust, it's still a smooth hit. I'm attaching a pic of mine I built. I also put an air intake in mine. I don't see how this one works without it.View attachment 2158118


Well-Known Member
good idea, although i'de be worried about chemical gasess from heating up the metal, especialy if the solderer has been used.


You don't happen to have any closer up pics of the brass disc at the end of the iron, do you? How did you get it situated on the end of the iron?


brilliant. can't wait to build one of these. bought a cheap vaporizer from china, worked for a while before breaking. Your design looks much more dependable customizable, etc. righteous.